Human Development in Context (HDC)

HDC 305-0 Identity and Motivation (1 Unit)   Examines the connection between conceptions of the self and goal-oriented motivation, with particular attention to the influence of social, structural, and cultural forces.

HDC 307-0 Emotional Mysteries (1 Unit)   Classrooms, work settings, and family relations are hotbeds of emotion. But what is an emotion? What happens in our bodies when an emotion is triggered? How can emotions help us live productive, healthy, and connected lives? And can we ever truly understand what somebody else is feeling? These are some of the mysteries that we will seek to unravel in this course. We will read literature from Darwin to the latest scientific studies, combine lectures and small-group discussions, conduct research experiments, and engage in peer review and online collaboration.

HDC 309-0 Team Dynamics (1 Unit)   In this course, we will explore team dynamics, those forces that influence a team's behavior and performance, and what can enhance or hinder potential for impact. We will analyze the contributors to team functioning and their interrelationships at multiple levels: intrapersonal, interpersonal, group and organizational. Key topics include team development, team make-up and roles, leadership and followership, decision-making, navigating conflict, collaboration and competition, effective communication, content vs. process, diversity and in-group/out-group tensions. Throughout the class, students will be analyzing and applying concepts through case studies and simulations. Assignments to demonstrate mastery include regular written individual papers and a team project. This course is suitable for undergraduate students in LOC, Human Development in Context, and related majors throughout Northwestern that are interested in leadership, teams/groups or organizational change. Taught with LOC 309-0; may not receive credit for both courses.

HDC 310-0 The Art and Science of Aging (1 Unit)   For over 2000 years, poets and philosophers have commented on the universal human experience of "getting older." In the past few hundred years, novelists and scientists have joined the effort, along with filmmakers, musicians, counselors, bloggers, motivational speakers, and a host of others. What does it feel like to move through the adult years and toward "old age"? How do people's personalities, social relationships, and overall world view change as they grow older? What does psychological and social science have to say about general trends, as well as individual differences, in aging? This discussion-based and writing-intensive seminar is sequentially organized in terms of five cardinal themes: (1) the social/emotional world, (2) generations, (3) memory and the self, (4) loss, and (5) wisdom of the ages. Within these five themes, the seminar will consider a range of psychological and social issues as they apply to adult development and aging, sampling some of the most provocative sources from fiction, drama, poetry, music, and cinema - and from the scientific literature.

HDC 330-0 Adolescent Stress: Sources and Solutions (1 Unit)   Why are adolescence and early adulthood stressful periods of life? Are they more stressful now than in the past? How do we best define and measure adolescent and young adult stress? This course is an advanced, interactive, undergraduate class in which the instructor and students explore the set of above questions together, through readings, discussions, and through qualitative and quantitative coding and analysis of datasets on adolescent stress. Prerequisites: (SESP 201-0) and (SESP 210-0 or any 200-level Statistics Equivalent).

HDC 340-0 Building Loving and Lasting Relationships: Marriage 101 (1 Unit)   The intricacies and problems of close, committed, interpersonal relationships, especially marriage. Juniors and Seniors only.

HDC 347-0 Mapping and Spatial Analysis for Social Issues (1 Unit)   The focus of the course is on using the power of geospatial analysis to identify, understand, and make recommendations about addressing social, racial, and other inequities, including access to healthy food, environmental pollution, policing, etc. Students will learn basic use of the ArcGIS online program to support geospatial analysis.

HDC 351-0 Special Topics in Human Development in Context (1 Unit)   Advanced work on special topics.