Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
The two-part transdisciplinary overlay aims to infuse the Weinberg College curriculum with active discussions about how to navigate the local-global continuum amidst the complex and highly dynamic social and political movements of today and in the past. In particular, these overlays ask students to reflect on their own perspective as necessarily the product of interconnected webs of people, ideas, and events.
U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
This perspective addresses the impact of histories, institutions, and/or social structures on groups and on individuals primarily in the United States, focusing on the interconnected issues of racism/antiracism, equality/inequality, and justice/injustice.
Learning Objectives for U.S. Perspectives
In courses satisfying this perspective students will:
- Engage with scholarship describing the historical and contemporary structures, processes, human-environment relationships, and practices that shape racism and anti-racism; power and resistance; justice and injustice; equality and inequality; agency and subjection; belonging and subjection, with a primary, but not exclusive, focus on the United States
- Explore the social, political, environmental, and cultural bases of these relationships, structures, processes, and practices, and examine how they constitute individuals' groups
- Reflect on one's position within these structures, processes, and practices
- Acquire the knowledge and develop the skills necessary to work with key analytical concepts that often define individuals and groups, including but not limited to ability, age, education, environmentality, ethnicity, gender, indigeneity, language, nationality, race, religion, politics, sexuality, and social status
- Analyze how these and other terms intersect and overlap, with attention to the dynamism and variety of experiences and expressions
U.S. Perspectives Courses
Courses approved for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Course | Title |
ANTHRO 221-0 | Social and Health Inequalities |
ANTHRO 235-0 | Language in Asian America |
ANTHRO 382-0 | Political Ecology |
ASIAN_AM 235-0 | Language in Asian America |
ASIAN_AM 247-0 | Asian Americans and Popular Culture |
ASIAN_AM 251-0 | Introduction to Critical Mixed Race Studies |
ASIAN_AM 275-0 | Introduction to Asian American Literature |
ASIAN_AM 276-0 | Topics in Literary and Cultural Studies |
BLK_ST 210-0 | Introduction to African American Literature |
BLK_ST 212-1 | Introduction to African-American History: Key concepts from 1700-1861 |
BLK_ST 212-2 | Introduction to African American History: Emancipation to Civil Rights Movement |
BLK_ST 214-0 | Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies |
BLK_ST 215-0 | Introduction to Black Social & Political Life |
BLK_ST 220-0 | Civil Rights and Black Liberation |
BLK_ST 236-0 | Introduction to Black Studies |
BLK_ST 247-0 | Black Life. Trans Life. |
BLK_ST 251-0 | Introduction to Critical Mixed Race Studies |
BLK_ST 262-0 | Introduction to Black Religions: The North American Experience |
BLK_ST 317-0 | Black Political Thought |
BLK_ST 320-0 | Social Meaning of Race |
BLK_ST 325-0 | Education for Black Liberation |
BLK_ST 334-0 | Gender and Black Masculinity |
BLK_ST 350-0 | Theorizing Blackness |
BLK_ST 360-0 | Major Authors |
BLK_ST 365-0 | Black Chicago |
ENGLISH 266-0 | Introduction to African American Literature |
ENGLISH 267-0 | Topics in African American Literature |
ENGLISH 274-0 | Introduction to Native American and Indigenous Literatures |
ENGLISH 275-0 | Introduction to Asian American Literature |
ENGLISH 276-0 | Topics in Asian American Literature |
ENGLISH 277-0 | Introduction to Latinx Literature |
ENGLISH 280-0 | Topics in Multiethnic Literature |
ENGLISH 366-0 | Studies in African American Literature |
ENGLISH 374-0 | Studies in Native American and Indigenous Literatures |
ENGLISH 375-0 | Studies in Asian American Literature |
ENGLISH 377-0 | Topics in Latinx Literature |
ENGLISH 380-0 | Studies in Multiethnic American Literature |
ENVR_POL 212-0 | Environment and Society |
ENVR_POL 309-0 | American Environmental History |
ENVR_POL 339-0 | Silent but Loud: Negotiating Health in a Cultural, Food, Poverty, Environ. Caste |
ENVR_POL 384-0 | Political Ecology |
GBL_HLTH 221-0 | Beyond Porn: Sexuality, Health and Pleasure |
GBL_HLTH 303-0 | (Re)mixing Qualitative Methods |
GBL_HLTH 317-0 | Native American Health Research & Prevention |
GBL_HLTH 318-0 | Community-based Participatory Research Course |
GBL_HLTH 326-0 | Native Nations, Healthcare Systems, & U.S. Policy |
GBL_HLTH 339-0 | Silent but Loud: Negotiating Health in a Cultural, Food, Poverty, Environ. Caste |
GNDR_ST 221-0 | Beyond Porn: Sexuality, Health and Pleasure |
GNDR_ST 230-0 | Traditions in Feminist Thought |
GNDR_ST 235-0 | Beyond the Binary |
GNDR_ST 260-0 | Critical Fat Studies |
GNDR_ST 324-0 | US Gay and Lesbian History |
GNDR_ST 340-0 | Gender, Sexuality, and the Law |
GNDR_ST 381-0 | Queer Theory |
HISTORY 210-1 | North America and the United States to 1865 |
HISTORY 210-2 | History of the United States, Reconstruction to the Present |
HISTORY 211-0 | American Wars |
HISTORY 212-1 | Introduction to African-American History: Key concepts from 1700-1861 |
HISTORY 212-2 | Introduction to African American History: Emancipation to Civil Rights Movement |
HISTORY 215-0 | History of the American Family |
HISTORY 219-0 | History of the Present |
HISTORY 221-0 | Famous American Trials |
HISTORY 305-0 | American Immigration |
HISTORY 309-0 | American Environmental History |
HISTORY 310-1 | Early American History: Contact and Colonization |
HISTORY 315-3 | The United States Since 1900: Late 20th C. to Present |
HISTORY 317-1 | American Cultural History: 19th C. |
HISTORY 318-1 | Legal and Constitutional History of the United States: Colonial Period to 1850 |
HISTORY 318-2 | Legal and Constitutional History of the United States: 1850 to Present |
HISTORY 319-0 | US Foreign Relations |
HISTORY 324-0 | US Gay and Lesbian History |
HISTORY 327-0 | Histories of Violence in the United States |
HUM 220-0 | Health, Biomedicine, Culture, and Society |
LATINO 230-0 | Grrrls Our Mothers Warned Us About: Introduction to Latine Feminist Sexualities |
LATINO 232-0 | Queer and Trans Latino Studies |
LATINO 277-0 | Introduction to Latinx Literature |
LEGAL_ST 206-0 | Law and Society |
LEGAL_ST 221-0 | Famous American Trials |
LEGAL_ST 305-0 | American Immigration |
LEGAL_ST 308-0 | Sociology of Law |
LEGAL_ST 318-1 | Legal and Constitutional History of the United States: Colonial Period to 1850 |
LEGAL_ST 318-2 | Legal and Constitutional History of the United States: Since 1850 |
LEGAL_ST 333-0 | Constitutional Law II: Civil and Political Rights |
LEGAL_ST 340-0 | Gender, Sexuality, and the Law |
LEGAL_ST 347-0 | Comparative Race & Ethnicity |
LEGAL_ST 348-0 | Race, Politics, and the Law |
LEGAL_ST 350-0 | Psychology and the Law |
LEGAL_ST 383-0 | Gender, Sexuality and The Carceral State |
LING 220-0 | Language and Society |
LING 312-0 | Experimental Sociolinguistics |
LING 320-0 | Sociolinguistics |
PERF_ST 225-0 | Black Music Studies |
PHIL 224-0 | Philosophy, Race, and Racism |
PHIL 262-0 | Ethical Problems and Public Issues |
POLI_SCI 220-0 | American Government and Politics |
POLI_SCI 230-0 | Introduction to Law in the Political Arena |
POLI_SCI 307-0 | Deportation Law and Politics |
POLI_SCI 321-0 | Urban Politics |
POLI_SCI 326-0 | Race and Public Policy |
POLI_SCI 327-0 | African American Politics |
POLI_SCI 333-0 | Constitutional Law II: Civil and Political Rights |
POLI_SCI 334-0 | Latino Politics |
POLI_SCI 336-0 | Immigration Politics and Policy |
POLI_SCI 338-0 | Labor Politics in America |
POLI_SCI 382-0 | Religion, Law, & Politics: Politics of Religious Diversity |
PSYCH 340-0 | Psychology and Law |
RELIGION 262-0 | Introduction to Black Religions: The North American Experience |
RELIGION 314-0 | Buddhism in the Contemporary World |
RELIGION 382-0 | Religion, Law, & Politics: Politics of Religious Diversity |
SOCIOL 206-0 | Law and Society |
SOCIOL 208-0 | Race and Society |
SOCIOL 210-0 | Families and Societies |
SOCIOL 212-0 | Environment and Society |
SOCIOL 216-0 | Gender and Society |
SOCIOL 218-0 | Education and Inequality: Focus on Chicago |
SOCIOL 220-0 | Health, Biomedicine, Culture, and Society |
SOCIOL 223-0 | Masculinities and Society |
SOCIOL 235-0 | Critical Thought on Race and Ethnicity |
SOCIOL 307-0 | School and Society |
SOCIOL 310-0 | Sociology of the Family |
SOCIOL 318-0 | Sociology of Law |
SOCIOL 320-0 | Gender, Health, and Medicine |
SOCIOL 327-0 | Youth and Society |
SOCIOL 348-0 | Race, Politics, and the Law |
SOCIOL 356-0 | Sociology of Gender |
SPANISH 200-0 | Advanced Spanish for Heritage Language Learners |
SPANISH 277-0 | Introduction to Latinx Literature |
Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
This perspective addresses the geographic and environmental conditions, historical and present social and political structures, linguistic and cultural formations of groups and individuals primarily outside the United States, focusing on the interaction among cultures.
Learning Objectives for Global Perspectives
In courses satisfying this perspective students will:
- Engage with scholarship describing the historical and contemporary structures, processes, human-environment relationships, and practices that shape global intercultural relations among groups, cultural traditions, and/or nations, focusing primarily on those outside the United States
- Explore the social, political, environmental, and cultural bases of these groups, traditions, and/or nations, and how they constitute themselves and are constituted by others
- Generate the knowledge and develop the skills necessary to grapple with key issues. The following list of possible issues is not intended to be exhaustive but illustrative: appropriation, art, borders, colonialism, diaspora, diplomacy, education, empire, the environment, ethnicity, exploration, health, indigeneity, immigration, migration, nationality, refugees, cultural reception, sustainability, statelessness, travel, and war
- Analyze how these and other terms intersect and overlap, with attention to the dynamism and variety of experiences and expressions
Global Perspectives Courses
Courses approved for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Course | Title |
ANTHRO 211-0 | Culture & Society |
ANTHRO 215-0 | The Study of Culture through Language |
ANTHRO 238-0 | Food in Culture & Society |
ANTHRO 326-0 | Archaeologies of Sustainability and Collapse |
ANTHRO 329-0 | Archaeology and Nationalism |
ANTHRO 383-0 | Environmental Anthropology |
ART_HIST 220-0 | Introduction to African Art |
ART_HIST 222-0 | Black Art in the TransAtlantic World |
ART_HIST 232-0 | Introduction to the History of Architecture: 1400 to Present |
ART_HIST 235-0 | Introduction to Latin American Art |
ART_HIST 240-0 | Introduction to Asian Art |
ART_HIST 255-0 | Introduction to Modernism |
ART_HIST 340-1 | Baroque Art: Italy & Spain 1600–1800 |
ART_HIST 342-0 | Eighteenth-Century European Art |
ART_HIST 350-1 | 19th-Century Art 1: 1789–1848 |
ART_HIST 350-2 | 19th-Century Art 2: 1848–1914 |
ART_HIST 360-0 | 20th Century Art |
ART_HIST 386-0 | Art of Africa |
ASIAN_LC 300-0 | Advanced Topics in Chinese Literature and Culture |
ASIAN_LC 375-0 | South Asian Societies |
ASIAN_LC 390-0 | Advanced Topics in Asian Languages and Cultures |
ASIAN_LC 392-0 | Advanced Studies in Asian Film, Media, and Visual Culture |
ASIAN_LC 393-0 | Asian Environmental Humanities |
BLK_ST 213-0 | History of the Black World |
BLK_ST 275-0 | Africans and African Americans: Cultural Entanglements |
COMP_LIT 207-0 | Introduction to Critical Theory |
ENGLISH 265-0 | Introduction to Postcolonial Literature |
ENGLISH 281-0 | Topics in Postcolonial & Comparative Literatures |
ENGLISH 287-0 | Topics in Global Literatures |
ENGLISH 365-0 | Studies in Postcolonial Literature |
ENGLISH 369-0 | Studies in African Literature |
ENVR_POL 251-0 | The Politics of Disaster: A Global Environmental History |
ENVR_POL 337-0 | Hazard, Disaster and Society |
ENVR_POL 338-0 | Environmental Justice |
ENVR_POL 340-0 | Global Environments and World History |
ENVR_POL 383-0 | Environmental Anthropology |
ENVR_POL 385-0 | Archaeologies of Sustainability and Collapse |
FRENCH 211-0 | Reading Cultures in French |
FRENCH 271-0 | Introducing the Novel |
FRENCH 355-0 | Topics in Modern and Contemporary French Literature and Culture |
FRENCH 365-0 | The Maghreb and the Middle East |
FRENCH 386-0 | Gender & Writing |
FRENCH 395-0 | Advanced Studies in Culture and Thought |
GBL_HLTH 201-0 | Introduction to Global Health |
GBL_HLTH 302-0 | Global Bioethics |
GBL_HLTH 306-0 | Biomedicine and Culture |
GBL_HLTH 309-0 | Biomedicine and World History |
GBL_HLTH 321-0 | War and Public Health |
GBL_HLTH 323-0 | Global Health from Policy to Practice |
GBL_HLTH 324-0 | Volunteerism and the Ethics of Help |
GBL_HLTH 325-0 | History of Reproductive Health |
GBL_HLTH 337-0 | Hazard, Disaster and Society |
GBL_HLTH 338-0 | Environmental Justice |
GERMAN 224-0 | Contemporary Germany |
GERMAN 224-SA | Contemporary Germany |
GERMAN 234-1 | Jews and Germans: An Intercultural History I |
GERMAN 234-2 | Jews and Germans: An Intercultural History II |
GERMAN 248-0 | Migration in the German Past and Present: Gastarbeiter, Refugees, Displaced Persons |
GERMAN 303-0 | Advanced Expression in German speaking |
GERMAN 328-0 | Prague: City of Cultures, City of Conflict |
GERMAN 335-0 | Minority Voices in Germany |
GERMAN 337-0 | Science and Culture in Germany |
GERMAN 349-0 | The History of the Holocaust |
GNDR_ST 233-0 | Gender, Politics, and Philosophy |
GNDR_ST 341-0 | Transnational Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality |
HISTORY 201-1 | Europe in the Medieval and Early Modern World |
HISTORY 201-2 | Europe in the Modern World |
HISTORY 203-1 | Jewish History I: 750-1492 |
HISTORY 220-0 | History of the Future |
HISTORY 248-0 | Global Legal History |
HISTORY 249-0 | The End of Citizenship |
HISTORY 250-1 | Global History: Early Modern to Modern Transition |
HISTORY 250-2 | Global History: The Modern World |
HISTORY 251-0 | The Politics of Disaster: A Global Environmental History |
HISTORY 253-0 | A Global History of Prisons and Camps |
HISTORY 254-0 | Entrepreneurship: A Global History |
HISTORY 255-1 | African Civilizations |
HISTORY 255-3 | Modern Africa |
HISTORY 260-2 | History of Modern Latin America |
HISTORY 275-1 | History of Early Modern Science and Medicine |
HISTORY 275-2 | History of Modern Science and Medicine |
HISTORY 284-2 | Early Modern Japan |
HISTORY 286-0 | World War II in Asia |
HISTORY 340-0 | Gender, War, and Revolution in the 20th Century |
HISTORY 349-0 | The History of the Holocaust |
HISTORY 351-0 | Europe in the Age of Total War |
HISTORY 352-0 | A Global History of Death and Dying |
HISTORY 353-0 | History of Capitalism, 1500-1850 |
HISTORY 354-0 | History of Socialism |
HISTORY 366-0 | Latin America in the Independence Era: American Indians and Nations |
HISTORY 367-0 | History of Mexico |
HISTORY 370-0 | Music and Nation in Latin America |
HISTORY 376-0 | Global Environments and World History |
HISTORY 379-0 | Biomedicine and World History |
HISTORY 381-1 | Qing China |
HISTORY 381-2 | Modern China: The Twentieth Century |
HISTORY 381-3 | Modern China: Post-Mao Reforms, 1978-2016 |
HISTORY 382-0 | The Modern Japanese City |
HISTORY 385-1 | History of Modern South Asia, 1500-1800 |
HISTORY 385-2 | History of Modern South Asia, ca. 1750-present |
HISTORY 386-2 | Southeast Asia in the Age of Empire |
HISTORY 386-3 | Southeast Asia: Decolonization & Independence |
HUM 329-0 | Archaeology and Nationalism |
INTL_ST 383-1 | Elliott Scholars Program: Foundation Topics in Global Affairs |
INTL_ST 393-SA | Development in the Global Context: Participation, Power, and Social Change |
ISEN 230-0 | Climate Change and Sustainability: Ethical Dimensions |
ISEN 375-0 | Issues in Environmental Philosophy |
ITALIAN 251-0 | Introduction to Italian Cinema |
ITALIAN 277-0 | Global Neorealism |
ITALIAN 377-0 | Gender and Sexuality in Italian Culture |
LEGAL_ST 248-0 | Global Legal History |
LEGAL_ST 356-0 | Constitutional Challenges in Comparative Perspective |
MENA 200-0 | Making the Modern Middle East: Culture, Politics, History |
PERF_ST 308-0 | Contemporary Middle Eastern Performance |
PHIL 220-0 | Introduction to Critical Theory |
PHIL 221-0 | Gender, Politics, & Philosophy |
PHIL 222-0 | Introduction to Africana Philosophy |
PHIL 275-0 | Climate Change and Sustainability: Ethical Dimensions |
PHIL 375-0 | Issues in Environmental Philosophy |
POLI_SCI 240-0 | Introduction to International Relations |
POLI_SCI 250-0 | Introduction to Comparative Politics |
POLI_SCI 304-0 | Human Rights Between East and West |
POLI_SCI 341-0 | International Political Economy |
POLI_SCI 343-0 | Politics of International Law |
POLI_SCI 347-0 | Ethics in International Relations |
POLI_SCI 350-0 | Social Movements |
POLI_SCI 351-0 | Politics of the Middle East |
POLI_SCI 352-0 | Global Development |
POLI_SCI 354-0 | Politics of Southeast Asia |
POLI_SCI 356-0 | Constitutional Challenges in Comparative Perspective |
POLI_SCI 359-0 | Politics of Africa |
POLI_SCI 362-0 | Politics of Europe |
POLI_SCI 374-0 | Politics of Capitalism |
POLI_SCI 376-0 | Civil Wars |
POLI_SCI 377-0 | Drugs and Politics |
POLI_SCI 383-0 | War and Change in International Politics |
POLI_SCI 384-0 | International Responses to Mass Atrocities |
PORT 380-0 | Contemporary Brazil: Literature and Film |
PSYCH 317-0 | The Holocaust: Psychological Themes & Perspectives |
RELIGION 295-0 | Ahimsa: Nonviolence in South Asia and Beyond |
RELIGION 312-0 | Buddhism and Gender |
RELIGION 351-0 | Islamic Law |
RELIGION 360-0 | Black Religions |
SLAVIC 218-0 | Introduction to Polish Literature |
SLAVIC 250-SA | Balkan Civilizations |
SLAVIC 318-0 | Polish Cinema |
SLAVIC 328-0 | Prague: City of Cultures, City of Conflict |
SOCIOL 305-0 | Population Dynamics |
SOCIOL 317-0 | Global Development |
SPANISH 204-0 | Advanced Spanish II: Artivism in Times of Political Change |
SPANISH 223-0 | Cervantes (Taught in English) |
SPANISH 231-0 | The "New" Latin American Narrative (Taught in English) |
SPANISH 260-0 | Literature in Latin America before 1888 |
SPANISH 261-0 | Literature in Latin America since 1888 |
SPANISH 340-0 | Colonial Latin American Literature |
SPANISH 346-0 | Testimonial Narrative in Latin America |
SPANISH 349-0 | Critical Thought in Latin Amer |
SPANISH 350-0 | Visual Culture in Latina/o America and Spain |
SPANISH 362-0 | Citizenship and Urban Violence in Latin America |