Anthropology (ANTHRO)
ANTHRO 105-CN The Evolution of Social Behavior (1 Unit)
Introduction to anthropology; the biological evolution of humankind; the evolution of culture; the comparative study of existing or historically recorded societies. Carries science or social science credit.
ANTHRO 211-CN Culture and Society (1 Unit)
Introduction to the comparative study of culture, exploring different types of social organization and their economic and political correlates in the context of contemporary globalization. Carries social science credit.
ANTHRO 211-PP Culture and Society (1 Unit)
NPEP course.
ANTHRO 213-CN Human Origins (1 Unit)
Emergence of the human species through the process of organic evolution, emphasizing genetics, the fossil record, and comparison with our nearest living relatives. Carries science credit.
ANTHRO 214-CN Archaeology: Unearthing History (1 Unit)
The evolution of culture from its earliest beginnings through the development of urbanism and the state. Principles of archaeological research. Carries social science credit.
ANTHRO 214-PP Archaeology: Unearthing History (1 Unit)
NPEP course.
ANTHRO 215-CN The Study of Culture Through Language (1 Unit)
The scope of linguistic anthropology, from the study of language as an end in itself to the investigation of cultures through the medium of human languages. Carries social science credit.
ANTHRO 232-CN Myth and Symbolism (1 Unit)
Introduction to different approaches to the interpretation of myth and symbolism, e.g., Freudian, functionalist, and structuralist. Carries social science credit.
ANTHRO 312-CN Human Population Biology (1 Unit)
Current theory and research in human biological diversity, focusing on the impact of ecological and social factors on human biology; how adaptation to environmental stressors promotes human biological variation.
Prerequisite: ANTHRO 213-CN.
ANTHRO 314-CN Human Growth & Development (1 Unit)
Integrated biological and cultural perspective on human growth and development from infancy through adolescence; cross-cultural variation in developmental processes and outcomes. Carries science credit.
ANTHRO 315-CN Medical Anthropology (1 Unit)
Theories of interactions between culture and biology that affect human health. Beliefs and practices for curing illness and maintaining wellbeing. Cross-cultural study of infectious and chronic diseases, mental illness, infant/maternal mortality, poverty, and gender.
ANTHRO 316-CN Forensic Anthropology (1 Unit)
The application of traditional skeletal biology to problems of medicolegal significance, primarily in determining identity and analyzing trauma from human remains. Carries science credit.
ANTHRO 320-CN Peoples of Africa (1 Unit)
A survey of the cultures of Africa and the significant similarities and differences among the indigenous societies of the continent.
ANTHRO 327-PP Historical Archaeology (1 Unit)
NPEP course.
ANTHRO 330-CN People of the World (1 Unit)
Comparative ethnography of a regionally or historically associated group of cultures or a type of community defined in ecological, ideological, or other terms. May be repeated for credit. Carries social science credit.
ANTHRO 341-CN Economic Anthropology (1 Unit)
Economic organization in small-scale non-industrialized communities. Traditional structures of primitive and peasant economies. Carries social science credit.
ANTHRO 350-CN Anthropology of Religion (1 Unit)
The human relationship with the supernatural. Action patterns accompanying beliefs. Comparison of nonliterate religions and historical religions. Carries social science credit.
ANTHRO 360-CN Language and Culture (1 Unit)
Relationship between language and culture; language as the vehicle of culture and as the manifestation of thought.
ANTHRO 383-CN Environmental Anthropology (1 Unit)
How humans have changed and are changing the environment and what can be done to halt environmental deterioration. Topics include population trends, food supplies, consumerism, environmental regulation, and ecological consciousness. Carries social science credit.
ANTHRO 386-CN Methods in Human Biology Research (1 Unit)
Laboratory-based introduction to international research in human biology and health; methods for assessing nutritional status, physical activity, growth, cardiovascular health, endocrine and immune function. Carries science credit.
ANTHRO 390-CN Topics in Anthropology (1 Unit)
Topics vary. May be repeated for credit with different topic.
ANTHRO 391-CN Topics (1 Unit)
NPEP course.