French (FRENCH)
FRENCH 101-A Elementary French (1 Unit)
Conversation, grammar, reading, and writing for beginners. For students with less than two years of high school French or with no previous study of French.
FRENCH 101-B Elementary French II (1 Unit)
Conversation, grammar, reading, and writing for beginners.
Prerequisite: FRENCH 101-A or equivalent.
FRENCH 101-C Elementary French III (1 Unit)
Conversation, grammar, reading, and writing for beginners.
Prerequisite: FRENCH 101-A, FRENCH 101-B or equivalent.
FRENCH 102-A Intermediate French (1 Unit)
Grammar review, conversation, reading, and writing.
Prerequisite: FRENCH 101-C or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
FRENCH 102-B Intermediate French II (1 Unit)
Grammar review, conversation, reading, and writing.
Prerequisite: FRENCH 102-A or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
FRENCH 102-C Intermediate French III (1 Unit)
Grammar review, conversation, reading, and writing.
Prerequisite: FRENCH 102-A or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
FRENCH 111-A Elementary French (1 Unit)
Conversation, grammar, reading, and writing for beginners. For students with less than two years of high school French or with no previous study of French.
FRENCH 111-B Elementary French (1 Unit)
Conversation, grammar, reading, and writing for beginners.
Prerequisite: FRENCH 111-A or FRENCH 101-A or equivalent.
FRENCH 111-C Elementary French (1 Unit)
Conversation, grammar, reading, and writing for beginners.
Prerequisite: FRENCH 111-A or FRENCH 101-A, FRENCH 111-B or FRENCH 101-B or equivalent.
FRENCH 121-A Intermediate French (1 Unit)
Grammar review, conversation, reading, and writing.
Prerequisite: FRENCH 111-C or FRENCH 101-C or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
FRENCH 121-B Intermediate French (1 Unit)
Grammar review, conversation, reading, and writing.
Prerequisite: FRENCH 121-A or FRENCH 102-A or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
FRENCH 121-C Intermediate French (1 Unit)
Grammar review, conversation, reading, and writing.
Prerequisite: FRENCH 121-B or FRENCH 102-B or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
FRENCH 399-CN Independent Study (1 Unit)