Health Sciences (HLTH_SCI)

HLTH_SCI 250-DL Healthcare Principles (1 Unit)  

This course serves as an introduction to the US healthcare delivery system, including the development and evolution of the current system, comparison to other healthcare systems in other countries, service delivery models, ethics, and levels of care. Topics will include the major components and considerations in healthcare administration, development of the US healthcare system from its origins to present day, and how patient, personal, and professional rights, ethics, and responsibilities impact healthcare. Students will interview a healthcare professional of their choosing to learn more about what healthcare principles mean in practice.

HLTH_SCI 315-DL Communication in Health Science Professions (1 Unit)  

The importance of having good communication skills in any health profession cannot be overstated. Good communication can improve patient health outcomes, patient compliance, and overall patient satisfaction. Many patients value the communication skills of their healthcare provider even higher than the provider’s technical skills. This class highlights the important role of communication for students who work in (or are considering) healthcare careers. Using writing assignments, presentations, and role-play scenarios, this course will increase students’ communication competence in healthcare.

HLTH_SCI 317-DL Culturally Responsive Healthcare (1 Unit)  

This course's objective is to equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes for delivering culturally responsive care to a variety of patient populations. Participants will delve into the influence of culture on health beliefs, behaviors, and healthcare outcomes. The course employs a mix of lectures, discussions, case studies, journals, papers, and presentations designed to foster the development of culturally relevant healthcare practice that leads to equitable and patient-centered care.

HLTH_SCI 355-DL Managing Financial Resources in Healthcare Organizations (1 Unit)  

This course introduces principles of finance management in healthcare. Students will explore the functional role of financial management and control in large-scale healthcare organizations, and evaluate the effectiveness of organizational financial planning.

HLTH_SCI 357-DL Healthcare Quality Management (1 Unit)  

This course provides a comprehensive overview of healthcare quality management principles and practices. Students will explore the fundamental concepts, strategies, and tools used to enhance the quality of healthcare services. The course focuses on the importance of quality management in healthcare settings, examining how it impacts patient outcomes, organizational efficiency, and overall healthcare delivery. Students will be able to illustrate how various concepts and tools can be applied to real healthcare scenarios to improve healthcare delivery, enhance patient outcomes, and improve organizational efficiency.

HLTH_SCI 365-DL Data Management and Analytics in Healthcare (1 Unit)  

An introduction to methods in data analysis utilized in healthcare organizations, with an emphasis on the functional application of these techniques in large-scale information management. Students will have the opportunity to discuss how data-driven solutions can be applied to a variety of healthcare settings to improve patient outcomes and apply analytical techniques to data sets. Microsoft Excel will be leveraged for some assignments; other data visualization tools will be reviewed.

HLTH_SCI 367-DL Research Methods in Health Sciences (1 Unit)  

This course provides an overview of quantitative and qualitative research methods for the health sciences, including research design, analysis, and dissemination. Students will learn about the literature review process, how to evaluate the quality of research, and how to design quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research projects. Students will have an opportunity to explore a research topic of interest and propose their own study.

Prerequisite: None. STAT 202-DL or similar is recommended.

HLTH_SCI 395-DL Health Sciences Capstone (1 Unit)  

In this course, students will reflect upon the knowledge and skills gained throughout the health sciences program and all courses- Distribution, core, concentration, and electives- as they create a project in the health sciences and prepare a professional e-portfolio.