Graduate Registration Requirements (GRR)

Graduate Registration Requirement applies to Graduate students seeking a master’s degree and must be completed in addition to the established degree requirements. The GRR is predicated on the principle that when a student receives a master’s degree from Northwestern University, the majority of the student’s academic work is completed at the University.

SPS requires that students complete from 9-15 units to meet graduation requirements. In addition, the GRR specifies the number of quarters a student must be registered at Northwestern and the number of units of credit a student must earn at Northwestern.

GRR for Students with up to 2 Units of Transfer Credit

Quarters at Northwestern: 4
Earned Northwestern credits: 7-13

For the purpose of counting toward the GRR, “a quarter at Northwestern” means that students have met all of the following criteria:

  • Complete courses under the supervision of Northwestern faculty member(s)
  • Register for and complete courses worth at least 1.00 unit of credit in a term
  • Receive a passing grade in credit-bearing classes (e.g.  A, B, C (including pluses and minuses) and P)