Dance (DANCE)
DANCE 315-0 Dance Criticism (1 Unit)
Critical and theoretical thought of writers on Western theatrical dance.
DANCE 326-0 Advanced Improvisation (1 Unit)
Improvisation as a source for composition and performance. This class is for performance makers who wishing to expand dance vocabulary and for dancers exploring experimental choices in their work .
Prerequisite: DANCE 225-0, DANCE 110-0 and 1 unit of technique or consent of instructor.
DANCE 345-0 Studies in Collaboration (1 Unit)
Workshop exploration of collaboration as well as historical and theoretical perspectives. Through studio work, reading, and discussion, students in the class work across SoC to devise live art together. Content varies depending on instructor. Open to Theatre, Dance, MTCP, Performance Studies, and Music students.
DANCE 355-0 Dance in Education (1 Unit)
Organizing and teaching dance technique and creative movement for children and adolescents. Creative play, movement exploration, acquisition of basic motor skills, links to the classroom. Lecture, laboratory, and field experiences.
DANCE 356-0 Expressive Arts Therapy (1 Unit)
Overview of dance, drama, and art therapies for treating disabled, mentally ill, or other special populations. Introduces diverse theoretical perspectives in the role and use of art forms as therapeutic modalities. Symbolic meaning, group dynamics, and the language of movement as it relates to personality, body image, and expression.
DANCE 499-0 Independent Study (1 Unit)
May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.