Environmental Policy & Culture (ENVR_POL)
ENVR_POL 383-0 Environmental Anthropology (1 Unit)
How humans have changed and are changing the environment and what can be done to halt environmental deterioration. Topics include population trends, food supplies, consumerism, environmental regulation, and ecological consciousness.
Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational DisciplENVR_POL 384-0 Political Ecology (1 Unit)
Introduction to a multidisciplinary body of theory and research that analyzes the environmental articulations of political, economic, and social difference and inequality. Topics include environmental scarcity and degradation, sustainability, resilience and conservation. ANTHRO 382-0 and ENVR_POL 384-0 taught together, may not receive credit for both.
Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and EquityENVR_POL 385-0 Archaeologies of Sustainability and Collapse (1 Unit)
Archaeological survey of case studies from the past to interrogate human-environment relationships across time and space, including the present and the future. ANTHRO 326-0 and ENVR_POL 385-0 taught together, may not receive credit for both.
Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational DisciplENVR_POL 390-0 Special Topics in Environmental Policy and Culture (1 Unit)
Lecture course on environmental issues of current interest to students and faculty. May be repeated for credit with different topic.
ENVR_POL 395-0 Special Topics Seminar (1 Unit)
Seminar on current environmental issues and problems. Topics vary. May be repeated for credit with different topic.