Chicago Field Studies
Chicago Field Studies (CFS) is an experiential-learning program that helps a student intern in a field of their choice while thinking critically about that work in an attached course for credit. CFS is committed to the notion that academically-framed internships allow students to explore their interests and gain practical experience while learning to contemplate the currents that shape our working lives socially, historically, economically, or otherwise by field. CFS maintains relationships with an array of internship sites across Chicagoland and beyond, and the program runs interdisciplinary courses each quarter (Fall - Summer) that focus on business, public health, law, and more. Students must apply to CFS before enrolling in a CFS course. Accepted students who apply without an internship do the guided CFS internship search process several months before their CFS enrollment. Students can also apply with internships secured on their own. CFS welcomes students from across Northwestern except for undergraduates in their first year. (First-years can apply during their first year to do CFS in the Summer or Fall after their first year.) Some CFS courses may count towards WCAS degree requirements or major/minor requirements in some departments or programs.
Chicago Field Studies Courses
Note that CFS courses do not currently count towards Foundational Disciplines. Where a Weinberg College Distribution Area is listed below, these are credits towards the former WCAS Degree Requirements. A student may use a maximum of one unit of Distribution Area credit towards that area (even if the student earns more than one unit for the course). Where more than one Distribution Area is listed for a course, the student may choose where to apply that one unit of credit. More information about distribution requirements and Interdisciplinary Studies distribution courses may be found in the Undergraduate Catalog edition for 2022-2023.
CFS 291-0 Analysis of Field Experience (0.25-1 Unit) Asynchronous online course for students who intern 10-40 hours a week. Requires students to read, reflect upon, and discuss the structure and purpose of organizations as well as various workplace topics. Application and acceptance to CFS required. May be subject to internship course-credit limits; students should consult their academic adviser before applying.
CFS 387-0 Field Studies in the Environment & Sustainability (1-4 Units) Explores theoretical, geographic, and historical stakes of sustainability approaches and environmental professions. Students intern 10-40 hours a week. Application and acceptance to CFS required. May be subject to internship course-credit limits; students should consult their academic adviser before applying. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
CFS 388-0 Field Studies in Business Culture (1-4 Units) Online course for students who intern 10-40 hours a week in organizations throughout the world. Focuses on critical and historical issues shaping business culture. Application and acceptance to CFS required. May be subject to internship course-credit limits; students should consult their academic adviser before applying. Course Meets Online
CFS 391-0 Field Studies in Social Justice (1-4 Units) Approaches to social change with focus on particular justice issues and current events. Students intern 10-40 hours a week in advocacy, policy, and social justice organizations. Application and acceptance to CFS required. May be subject to internship course-credit limits; students should consult their academic adviser before applying. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
CFS 392-0 Field Studies in Public Health (1-4 Units) Explores foundational concepts and current issues in Public Health. Students earn 10-40 hours a week in health- and medicine-related organizations. Application and acceptance to CFS required. May be subject to internship course-credit limits; students should consult their academic adviser before applying. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
CFS 393-0 Field Studies in the Modern Workplace (2-4 Units) Workplace culture historically and political theory of labor. Students intern 10-40 hours a week in various fields. Application and acceptance to CFS required. May be subject to internship course-credit limits; students should consult their academic adviser before applying. Credits available may vary by quarter. Historical Studies Distro Area Interdisciplinary Distro - See Rules Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
CFS 394-0 Legal Field Studies (1-4 Units) Contemporary issues and workplace culture in the legal field. Students intern 10-40 hours a week in legal organizations. Application and acceptance to CFS required. May be subject to internship course-credit limits; students should consult their academic adviser before applying. Credits available may vary by quarter. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
CFS 395-0 Business Field Studies (2-4 Units) Contemporary issues in business professions. Students intern 10-40 hours a week in business (primarily finance, consulting, or marketing). Application and acceptance to CFS required. May be subject to internship course-credit limits; students should consult their academic adviser before applying. Credits available may vary by quarter. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
CFS 397-0 Field Studies in Civic Engagement (1-4 Units) Forms of civic engagement with emphasis on local issues and approaches. Students intern 10-40 hours a week in civic, educational, legal, governmental, nonprofit, or community-based organizations. Application and acceptance to CFS required. May be subject to internship course-credit limits; students should consult their academic adviser before applying. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
CFS 398-0 Field Studies in Humanities (1-4 Units) Labor issues through arts and cultural history, with emphasis on humanities, arts, and media in the public sphere. Students intern 10-40 hours a week in fields including but not limited to arts and cultural organizations. Application and acceptance to CFS required. May be subject to internship course-credit limits; students should consult their academic adviser before applying. Literature Fine Arts Distro Area Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline