Natural Sciences

Natural Sciences (FD-NS) is one of the six Foundational Disciplines that are part of the WCAS bachelor's degree.

The Natural Sciences use a combination of observation, experimentation, and modeling to understand features and mechanisms of the natural world at all levels, from the subatomic scale to the cosmos. Discoveries in the Natural Sciences inform invention and the development of new technologies to solve problems; conversely, new technologies advance discovery and the creation of new knowledge. Courses in the Natural Sciences convey our current understanding of the natural world and the methods by which this understanding is achieved through systematic hypothesis testing. Students learn to appreciate the evidence of our current understanding of nature; the scientific process; as well as the implications, utility, and limitations of scientific inquiry to solve problems and benefit society.

Learning Objectives for FD-NS

Courses in the Natural Sciences are designed to achieve a combination of the following learning outcomes:

  • Demonstrate knowledge related to features and mechanisms of the natural world, including the history, major ideas, and research approaches relevant to various scientific discplines
  • Formulate hypotheses and utilize skills to acquire, analyze, and interpret scientific data to test and revise these hypotheses
  • Appreciate the implications, utility, and limitations of scientific inquiry, both within the context of a particular field and more broadly for society
  • Articulate the scientific process and the significance of scientific advances, in written and/or oral form

FD-NS Courses

Courses approved for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Course Title
ANTHRO 213-0Human Origins
ANTHRO 275-0Introduction to Forensic Anthropology
ANTHRO 309-0Human Osteology
ANTHRO 375-0Advanced Methods in Forensic Anthropology
ANTHRO 386-0Methods in Human Biology Research
ASTRON 101-0Modern Cosmology
ASTRON 102-0Milky Way Galaxy
ASTRON 103-0Solar System
ASTRON 106-0A Brief Journey Through the Invisible Universe
ASTRON 111-0Introduction to Astrobiology
ASTRON 120-0Highlights of Astronomy
BIOL_SCI 103-0Diversity of Life
BIOL_SCI 109-0The Nature of Plants
BIOL_SCI 150-0Human Genetics
BIOL_SCI 164-0Basic Genetics and Evolution
BIOL_SCI 201-0Molecular Biology
CHEM 131-0Fundamentals of Chemistry I
CHEM 132-0Fundamentals of Chemistry II
CHEM 151-0General Chemistry I
CHEM 152-0General Chemistry II
CHEM 171-0Advanced General Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 172-0Advanced General Physical Chemistry
CHEM 201-0Chemistry of Nature and Culture
CHEM 215-1Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 215-2Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 217-1Accelerated Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 217-2Accelerated Organic Chemistry II
COG_SCI 210-0Language and the Brain
EARTH 101-0Earth Science for the 21st Century
EARTH 106-0The Ocean, the Atmosphere & Our Climate
EARTH 114-0Evolution and the Scientific Method
EARTH 180-0Fantasy Worlds – How to Build Your Own Planet
EARTH 201-0Earth Systems Revealed
EARTH 202-0Earth's Interior
EARTH 203-0Earth System History
EARTH 300-0Earth and Planetary Materials
LING 250-0Sound Patterns in Human Language
LING 350-0Fundamentals of Laboratory Phonology
PHYSICS 103-0Ideas of Physics
PHYSICS 125-1General Physics ISP
PHYSICS 125-2General Physics for ISP
PHYSICS 125-3General Physics for ISP
PHYSICS 130-1College Physics
PHYSICS 130-2College Physics
PHYSICS 130-3College Physics
PHYSICS 135-1General Physics
PHYSICS 135-2General Physics
PHYSICS 135-3General Physics
PHYSICS 140-1Fundamentals of Physics
PHYSICS 140-2Fundamentals of Physics
PHYSICS 140-3Fundamentals of Physics
PHYSICS 239-0Foundations of Modern Physics
PSYCH 221-0Introduction to Neuroscience
PSYCH 324-0Perception
PSYCH 328-0Brain Damage and the Mind