The study of psychology includes a wide range of topics in the natural and social sciences. It provides students an opportunity to increase their understanding of themselves and other people as developing individuals, biological organisms, and participants in society. Because of the strong research orientation of the department, it also provides an understanding of how research is done and an opportunity to participate directly in research.
A major in psychology may lead in various directions after graduation. Course offerings span the areas of cognition, biopsychology, clinical psychology, health psychology, developmental psychology, and social psychology. Psychology is a useful major for students planning careers in education, medicine, law, or management. It provides knowledge about human behavior and about research methods and data analysis that is valuable in business, the helping professions, and many other occupations. Graduate study may prepare a student for a career as an academic, clinical, industrial, or other kind of psychologist.
At the graduate level, the department recognizes several specialties with programs leading to the PhD. Though opportunities for study and research are available to undergraduates in all of these areas, there is only one undergraduate psychology major. Its requirements are designed to give every student a mastery of the basic methods and a balanced exposure to different aspects of psychology. Beyond that, students are encouraged to follow their interests in regular courses and in independent study. Extensive laboratory facilities and research experiences are available.
PSYCH 101-7 College Seminar (1 Unit) Small, writing and discussion-oriented course exploring a specific topic or theme, and introducing skills necessary to thriving at Northwestern. Not eligible to be applied towards a WCAS major or minor except where specifically indicated.
PSYCH 101-8 First-Year Writing Seminar (1 Unit) Small, writing and discussion-oriented course exploring a specific topic or theme, and focused on the fundamentals of effective, college-level written communication. Not eligible to be applied towards a WCAS major or minor except where specifically indicated.
PSYCH 110-0 Introduction to Psychology (1 Unit) A survey course reviewing primary psychological research and theories of human behavior. Laboratory experience exposes students to psychology as a research science. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
PSYCH 201-0 Statistical Methods in Psychology (1 Unit) Measurement; descriptive statistics; probability and sampling; T-test, ANOVA, correlation, and regression. Prerequisite: some college mathematics recommended. Empirical and Deductive Reasoning Foundational Dis Formal Studies Distro Area
PSYCH 205-0 Research Methods in Psychology (1 Unit) Methods of psychological research; experimental design; reliability and validity; review and application of statistics; execution and reporting of psychological research. Prerequisite: PSYCH 201-0. Advanced Expression Empirical and Deductive Reasoning Foundational Dis Formal Studies Distro Area
PSYCH 213-0 Social Psychology (1 Unit) Psychological processes underlying social behavior; topics include social cognition, attraction, aggression, prejudice, and behavior in groups. Prerequisite: PSYCH 110-0. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
PSYCH 215-0 Psychology of Personality (1 Unit) Nature of personality and its development. Modern theoretical interpretations. Biological and social bases of individual differences. Prerequisite: PSYCH 110-0. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
PSYCH 221-0 Introduction to Neuroscience (1 Unit) Designed for students with no prior coursework in neuroscience or biology. Neurophysiology and neuroanatomy; neuroscience of perception, emotion, morality, memory, mental illness, and consciousness. Neuroscience majors may not take PSYCH 221-0. Students may not take PSYCH 221-0 after they have taken NEUROSCI 202-0. Natural Sciences Distro Area Natural Sciences Foundational Discipline Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
PSYCH 228-0 Cognitive Psychology (1 Unit) Introduction to research into mental processes such as memory, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making. Prerequisite: PSYCH 110-0. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
PSYCH 244-0 Developmental Psychology (1 Unit) Development of cognitive, social, and other psychological functions. Prerequisite: PSYCH 110-0. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
PSYCH 248-0 Health Psychology (1 Unit) Overview of research in health psychology. Stress and coping, biological systems affected by stress, social support and health, health behaviors, adjustment to chronic illnesses. Prerequisite: PSYCH 110-0. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
PSYCH 249-0 Buddhist Psychology (1 Unit) Buddhist and scientific psychological views of mind and behavior; meditation techniques. Prerequisite: PSYCH 110-0. Ethical and Evaluative Thinking Foundational Disci Ethics Values Distro Area Interdisciplinary Distro - See Rules Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
PSYCH 303-0 Psychopathology (1 Unit)
Understanding the nature of psychological, emotional, and behavioral disorders. Emphasis on current evidence regarding causes and characteristics of these disorders.
Prerequisite: PSYCH 110-0.
Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational DisciplPSYCH 306-0 Introduction to Clinical Psychology (1 Unit) Definition and history of clinical psychology, personality theory in clinical psychology, diagnosis and classification of disorders, assessment, psychotherapy, and ethical issues. Prerequisite: PSYCH 303-0. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
PSYCH 308-0 Cognitive Behavior Therapy (1 Unit) Scientific foundations of cognitive behavior therapy for a wide range of disorders. Focus on the rationale for different treatments and evidence of efficacy and process. Comparisons with other scientifically validated treatments. Prerequisite: PSYCH 303-0. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
PSYCH 310-0 Special Topics in Social/Clinical/Personality (1 Unit) Topic to be announced. Prerequisites vary. May be repeated for credit with different topic.
PSYCH 311-0 Psychology of Attitudes (1 Unit) Survey of social psychological research on attitudes; focus on the formation of attitudes, the relationship between attitudes and behavior, and attitude change. Prerequisite: PSYCH 213-0. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
PSYCH 313-0 Relationship Science (1 Unit) Social-psychological analysis of close relationships, with an emphasis on romantic relationships. Interpersonal processes associated with relationship formation, development, and dissolution. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
PSYCH 317-0 The Holocaust: Psychological Themes & Perspectives (1 Unit) This course will be an exploration of how particular psychological theories and concepts can inform our understanding of the events of the Holocaust at both a group and individual level. Material from the fields of Social and Clinical Psychology will be a particular focus of the course. Prerequisite: PSYCH 110-0. Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
PSYCH 324-0 Perception (1 Unit)
Human perception, particularly vision but also hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Biological foundations, development, and disorders of perception. The senses in everyday life.
Prerequisite: PSYCH 110-0.
Interdisciplinary Distro - See Rules Natural Sciences Distro Area Natural Sciences Foundational Discipline Social Behavioral Sciences Distro AreaPSYCH 327-0 Brain and Cognition (1 Unit) Neural bases of cognitive processing with emphases on neuroimaging approaches in the areas of encoding, perception, attention, memory, language, reading, motor control, and executive functioning. Taught with CSD 303-0; may not receive credit for both courses. Interdisciplinary Distro - See Rules Natural Sciences Distro Area Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
PSYCH 328-0 Brain Damage and the Mind (1 Unit) Survey of human cognition as studied via investigations of brain damage and brain-imaging techniques. Mandatory. prerequisites: PSYCH 110-0, or PSYCH 221-0, or COG_SCI 210-0. Background in neuroscience helpful. Interdisciplinary Distro - See Rules Natural Sciences Distro Area Natural Sciences Foundational Discipline Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
PSYCH 330-0 Special Topics in Cognition/Neuroscience (1 Unit) Topic to be announced. Prerequisites vary. May be repeated for credit with different topic.
PSYCH 333-0 Psychology of Thinking (1 Unit)
Research methods and recent experimental findings for types of human thinking. Students conduct original research.
Prerequisite: PSYCH 228-0.
Empirical and Deductive Reasoning Foundational Dis Formal Studies Distro Area Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational DisciplPSYCH 336-0 Consciousness (1 Unit) Examines how psychologists, neuroscientists, computer scientists, and physicists have tackled fundamental questions about consciousness using empirical and theoretical methods. Prerequisites: a course in cognition and/or neuroscience, or instructor permission based on a strong background in neurobiology and/or physics; PSYCH 205-0 strongly recommended. Interdisciplinary Distro - See Rules Natural Sciences Distro Area Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
PSYCH 340-0 Psychology and Law (1 Unit)
Examines the application of psychology to law, including topics such as the insanity defense, criminal profiling, eyewitness testimony, and interrogation.
Prerequisite: PSYCH 110-0. Taught with LEGAL_ST 350-0; may not receive credit for both courses.
Ethical and Evaluative Thinking Foundational Disci Ethics Values Distro Area Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and EquityPSYCH 341-0 Positive Psychology: The Science of Well-Being (1 Unit) Key developments in the field of positive psychology. Eudaimonic and hedonic wellbeing, mindfulness and flow, importance of social connections, emotional resilience, positive institutions. Prerequisite: PSYCH 110-0. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
PSYCH 343-0 Psychology of Beauty (1 Unit) Theory, methodology, and empirical data related to the psychological impact of human beauty. Emphasis on both cultural and evolutionary perspectives. Prerequisite: PSYCH 110-0. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
PSYCH 344-0 Cultural Psychology (1 Unit) Introduction to concepts and empirical methods used to study how culture shapes mind, brain, and behavior over multiple time scales, including over generations and the lifespan and across situational contexts. Prerequisite: PSYCH 110-0. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
PSYCH 345-0 Presenting Ideas & Data (1 Unit) Understanding principles of cognitive psychology, data visualization, and graphic design to present ideas and data in an engaging, clear, and memorable manner. PSYCH 345-0 and COG_SCI 345-0 are taught together; may not receive credit for both courses. Advanced Expression Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
PSYCH 348-0 Psychology of Sex and Gender Differences (1 Unit) Examination of sex differences and similarities. Evaluation of explanations for differences. Review of how gender affects achievement, relationships, and mental health. Prerequisite: PSYCH 110-0. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
PSYCH 350-0 Special Topics in Psychology (1 Unit)
Topic to be announced. Prerequisites vary. May be repeated for credit with different topic.
PSYCH 360-0 Personality Research (1 Unit) Research in personality, with emphasis on experimental approaches and methods. Basic concepts of test reliability and validity. Students conduct original research. Prerequisites: PSYCH 205-0, PSYCH 215-0. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
PSYCH 364-0 Social and Personality Development (1 Unit) Research methods, theories, and facts relating to the development and modification of attitudes and behavior. Prerequisites: PSYCH 205-0; and PSYCH 213-0, PSYCH 215-0, or PSYCH 244-0. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
PSYCH 366-0 Stereotyping & Prejudice (1 Unit) Analysis of the causes and consequences of stereotyping and prejudice, as well as methods used to study these issues. Students conduct original research. Prerequisites: PSYCH 213-0, PSYCH 205-0. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
PSYCH 367-0 Child Psychopathology (1 Unit) Major forms of psychopathology present during childhood, including disorders exclusive to childhood and those that may appear during any developmental period. Developmental models of the etiology and course of major psychopathologies. Prerequisites: PSYCH 205-0; PSYCH 244-0 or PSYCH 303-0. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
PSYCH 369-0 Psychological Tests & Measures (1 Unit) Explores the science of psychological assessment, including its history, test construction and evaluation, and common measures of personality, psychopathology, and ability. Students create and evaluate their own psychological measures. Prerequisites: PSYCH 205-0; PSYCH 213-0, PSYCH 215-0, or PSYCH 303-0. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
PSYCH 370-0 Cognitive Development (1 Unit) Cognitive development in infancy, childhood, and adolescence. Focus on theoretical explanations for cognitive change and development in core domains, including language, space, number, time, and social relations. Prerequisites: PSYCH 205-0; PSYCH 244-0 or PSYCH 228-0. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
PSYCH 372-0 Language and Cognition (1 Unit) Exposure to original research and theoretical perspectives on language and its relation to thought and behavior. Critical analysis of theories and methods. Topics may vary. Prerequisites: PSYCH 205-0; and PSYCH 228-0 or COG_SCI 211-0. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
PSYCH 373-0 Decision Making (1 Unit)
Human decision making from both descriptive and prescriptive perspectives. Theories and models of decision making applied to a variety of contexts.
Prerequisites: PSYCH 205-0, PSYCH 228-0.
Social Behavioral Sciences Distro AreaPSYCH 374-0 Human Memory (1 Unit) Scientific study of human memory, including memory systems of the brain, amnesia, remembering, forgetting, encoding, consolidation, memory suppression, and memory distortion. Emphasizes original research reports in cognitive neuroscience. Prerequisites: Psych 205 AND either Psych 228, Psych 328, or Psych 336 or consent of instructor. Interdisciplinary Distro - See Rules Natural Sciences Distro Area Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
PSYCH 378-0 Images of Cognition (1 Unit)
Study of brain processes underlying cognition. Analysis of brain structure and function. Introduction to imaging techniques including fMRI, PET, and ERP.
Prerequisites: PSYCH 205-0; a course in cognition and/or neuroscience (e.g., PSYCH 221-0, PSYCH 228-0, PSYCH 320-0, PSYCH 328-0; COG_SCI 210-0) or consent of instructor.
Interdisciplinary Distro - See Rules Natural Sciences Distro Area Social Behavioral Sciences Distro AreaPSYCH 380-0 Advanced Statistics & Experimental Design (1 Unit) Advanced topics in research design and analysis of data. Focus on both theory and applications. Prerequisites: PSYCH 205-0; 2 200-level mathematics courses. Formal Studies Distro Area
PSYCH 381-0 Children & the Law (1 Unit) Examines from a developmental perspective research on children's involvement in the legal system as decision makers, witnesses, victims, and perpetrators. Taught with LEGAL_ST 381-0; may not receive credit for both courses. Prerequisites: PSYCH 205-0, PSYCH 244-0. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
PSYCH 383-0 Psychology and Food (1 Unit) Social, cultural, cognitive, evolutionary, and biological factors that influence food choice and consumption. Conducting and evaluating research on eating behavior. Students conduct original research. Prerequisite: PSYCH 205-0. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
PSYCH 387-0 Consumer Psychology and Marketing Research (1 Unit) Application of psychological theories, findings, and methodologies to marketing research questions and problems. Students conduct a marketing research project for an actual client. Prerequisite: PSYCH 205-0. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
PSYCH 390-0 Advanced Seminar in Personality, Clinical, or Social Psychology (1 Unit)
Discussion and critical analysis of research methods and findings in an area of personality, clinical, and/or social psychology. Topics vary. May be repeated for credit with different topic.
Prerequisite: PSYCH 205-0; additional prerequisites may apply.
PSYCH 391-0 Advanced Seminar in Cognition or Neuroscience (1 Unit) Discussion and critical analysis of research methods and findings in an area of cognitive psychology and/or neuroscience. Topics vary. May be repeated for credit with different topic. Prerequisite: PSYCH 205-0; additional prerequisites may apply.
PSYCH 392-0 Advanced Seminar in Psychology (1 Unit) Discussion and critical analysis of research methods and findings in psychology. Interdisciplinary focus, often spanning natural and social science aspects of psychology. Topics vary. May be repeated for credit with different topic. Prerequisite: PSYCH 205-0; additional prerequisites may apply.
PSYCH 397-1 Advanced Supervised Research 1 (1 Unit) Design, implementation, and reporting of a psychology research project. Prerequisites: PSYCH 205-0 and consent of instructor; PSYCH 397-2 must be taken with the same professor as PSYCH 397-1. Weinberg College limits on 398 and 399 enrollments also apply to 397.
PSYCH 397-2 Advanced Supervised Research 2 (1 Unit) Design, implementation, and reporting of a psychology research project. Prerequisites: PSYCH 205-0 and consent of instructor; PSYCH 397-2 must be taken with the same professor as PSYCH 397-1. Weinberg College limits on 398 and 399 enrollments also apply to 397.
PSYCH 398-1 Senior Thesis Seminar (1 Unit) Open only to students pursuing departmental honors. They must apply for admission in spring quarter of junior year.
PSYCH 398-2 Senior Thesis Seminar (1 Unit) Open only to students pursuing departmental honors. They must apply for admission in spring quarter of junior year.
PSYCH 398-3 Senior Thesis Seminar (1 Unit) Open only to students pursuing departmental honors. They must apply for admission in spring quarter of junior year.
PSYCH 399-0 Independent Study (1 Unit) Consent of instructor required. Generally limited to juniors and seniors. See department requirements for eligibility.