Social and Behavioral Sciences

Social and Behavioral Sciences (FD-SBS) is one of the six Foundational Disciplines that are part of the WCAS bachelor's degree.

We all exist in a complex web of social relationships. Social phenomena, ranging from the most intimate interpersonal interactions to widespread global conflicts, influence the quality of our lives in countless ways. Social scientists use qualitative and quantitative methodologies to help us understand how we influence, and are influenced by, societal forces. Courses in this area introduce students to theories, methodological approaches, and empirical research findings pertaining to a full range of the human experience, from the level of the individual to that of familial, cultural, political, and institutional structures. Through study of the social sciences, students develop a deeper understanding of their own behavior as well as the complex problems of modern society.

Learning Objectives for FD-SBS

Courses in the Social and Behavioral Sciences prepare students to meet three or more of the following objectives:

  • Recognize and articulate reciprocal relationships between societal forces (e.g., norms, laws, organizational structures), psychological forces (e.g., traits, motives, attitudes), and the behaviors of individuals and groups
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of social science theories related to the influence of culture and power on the behavior of individuals, interpersonal relationships, and/or group dynamics
  • Use appropriate quantitative or qualitative research methodologies to observe, describe, understand, and predict human behavior and/or institutional actions
  • Develop the ability to critique theories, claims, and policies in the social and behavioral sciences through careful evaluation of an argument's major assertions, assumptions, evidential basis, and explanatory utility
  • Reflect upon the way in which theories and research from the social and behavioral sciences help elucidate the factors underlying contemporary social issues, social problems, and/or ethical dilemmas in the U.S. and/or abroad, as well as inform potential solutions to societal problems

FD-SBS Courses

Courses approved for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Course Title
ANTHRO 211-0Culture & Society
ANTHRO 214-0Archaeology: Unearthing History
ANTHRO 215-0The Study of Culture through Language
ANTHRO 221-0Social and Health Inequalities
ANTHRO 235-0Language in Asian America
ANTHRO 238-0Food in Culture & Society
ANTHRO 322-0Introduction to Archaeology Research Design & Methods
ANTHRO 326-0Archaeologies of Sustainability and Collapse
ANTHRO 357-0Biocultural Perspectives on Water Insecurity
ANTHRO 368-0Latina and Latino Ethnography
ANTHRO 382-0Political Ecology
ANTHRO 383-0Environmental Anthropology
ANTHRO 389-0Ethnographic Methods and Analysis
ASIAN_AM 218-0Asian/Black Historical Relations in the U.S.
ASIAN_AM 235-0Language in Asian America
ASIAN_AM 251-0Introduction to Critical Mixed Race Studies
BLK_ST 214-0Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies
BLK_ST 215-0Introduction to Black Social & Political Life
BLK_ST 218-0Asian/Black Historical Relations in the U.S.
BLK_ST 236-0Introduction to Black Studies
BLK_ST 251-0Introduction to Critical Mixed Race Studies
BLK_ST 317-0Black Political Thought
BLK_ST 320-0Social Meaning of Race
BLK_ST 325-0Education for Black Liberation
BLK_ST 327-0Politics of Black Popular Culture
BLK_ST 334-0Gender and Black Masculinity
BLK_ST 365-0Black Chicago
BUS_INST 303-0Leadership in Organizations
COG_SCI 110-0Introduction to Cognitive Science
COG_SCI 207-0Introduction to Cognitive Modeling
COG_SCI 211-0Learning, Representation & Reasoning
COG_SCI 345-0Presenting Ideas & Data
COMM_ST 381-0Media, Movements, & Social Change
ECON 159-0Doing Good
ECON 201-0Introduction to Macroeconomics
ECON 202-0Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON 310-1Microeconomics
ECON 311-0Macroeconomics
ENVR_POL 211-0Food and Society: An Introduction
ENVR_POL 212-0Environment and Society
ENVR_POL 251-0The Politics of Disaster: A Global Environmental History
ENVR_POL 337-0Hazard, Disaster and Society
ENVR_POL 338-0Environmental Justice
ENVR_POL 339-0Silent but Loud: Negotiating Health in a Cultural, Food, Poverty, Environ. Caste
ENVR_POL 340-0Global Environments and World History
ENVR_POL 360-0Animal Law
ENVR_POL 383-0Environmental Anthropology
ENVR_POL 384-0Political Ecology
ENVR_POL 385-0Archaeologies of Sustainability and Collapse
GBL_HLTH 201-0Introduction to Global Health
GBL_HLTH 221-0Beyond Porn: Sexuality, Health and Pleasure
GBL_HLTH 222-0The Social Determinants of Health
GBL_HLTH 303-0(Re)mixing Qualitative Methods
GBL_HLTH 306-0Biomedicine and Culture
GBL_HLTH 309-0Biomedicine and World History
GBL_HLTH 317-0Native American Health Research & Prevention
GBL_HLTH 318-0Community-based Participatory Research Course
GBL_HLTH 319-0Trauma and its Afterlives
GBL_HLTH 320-0Qualitative Research Methods in Global Health
GBL_HLTH 321-0War and Public Health
GBL_HLTH 323-0Global Health from Policy to Practice
GBL_HLTH 326-0Native Nations, Healthcare Systems, & U.S. Policy
GBL_HLTH 337-0Hazard, Disaster and Society
GBL_HLTH 338-0Environmental Justice
GBL_HLTH 339-0Silent but Loud: Negotiating Health in a Cultural, Food, Poverty, Environ. Caste
GBL_HLTH 340-0Mental Health and the Arts
GBL_HLTH 357-0Biocultural Perspectives on Water Insecurity
GERMAN 213-0History, Politics, and Culture in 21st Century German
GNDR_ST 221-0Beyond Porn: Sexuality, Health and Pleasure
GNDR_ST 331-0Sociology of Gender and Sexuality
GNDR_ST 332-0Gender, Sexuality, and Health
GNDR_ST 340-0Gender, Sexuality, and the Law
HISTORY 215-0History of the American Family
HISTORY 248-0Global Legal History
HISTORY 249-0The End of Citizenship
HISTORY 251-0The Politics of Disaster: A Global Environmental History
HISTORY 254-0Entrepreneurship: A Global History
HISTORY 255-1African Civilizations
HISTORY 260-2History of Modern Latin America
HISTORY 353-0History of Capitalism, 1500-1850
HISTORY 354-0History of Socialism
HISTORY 367-0History of Mexico
HISTORY 370-0Music and Nation in Latin America
HISTORY 376-0Global Environments and World History
HISTORY 379-0Biomedicine and World History
HISTORY 386-3Southeast Asia: Decolonization & Independence
HUM 213-0Humanities in the World IV
HUM 220-0Health, Biomedicine, Culture, and Society
HUM 325-3Humanities in the Digital Age
HUM 370-3Special Topics in the Humanities
INTL_ST 383-1Elliott Scholars Program: Foundation Topics in Global Affairs
INTL_ST 393-SADevelopment in the Global Context: Participation, Power, and Social Change
LATINO 203-0Introduction to Latina & Latino Cultural Studies
LATINO 392-0Topics in Latina and Latino Social and Political Issues
LEGAL_ST 206-0Law and Society
LEGAL_ST 207-0Legal Studies Research Methods
LEGAL_ST 248-0Global Legal History
LEGAL_ST 308-0Sociology of Law
LEGAL_ST 315-0Corporation in US Law and Culture
LEGAL_ST 332-0Constitutional Law I
LEGAL_ST 333-0Constitutional Law II: Civil and Political Rights
LEGAL_ST 340-0Gender, Sexuality, and the Law
LEGAL_ST 348-0Race, Politics, and the Law
LEGAL_ST 350-0Psychology and the Law
LEGAL_ST 356-0Constitutional Challenges in Comparative Perspective
LEGAL_ST 360-0Animal Law
LEGAL_ST 383-0Gender, Sexuality and The Carceral State
LING 220-0Language and Society
LING 312-0Experimental Sociolinguistics
LING 315-0Experimental Approaches to Word Form Processing
LING 320-0Sociolinguistics
LING 321-0Bilingualism
MENA 290-3Introductory Topics in Middle East and North African Studies
MENA 390-3Advanced Topics in Middle East & North African Studies
PHIL 225-0Minds and Machines
PHIL 253-0Introduction to the Philosophy of Language
POLI_SCI 201-0Introduction to Political Theory
POLI_SCI 211-0Introduction to Interpretive Methods in Political Science
POLI_SCI 220-0American Government and Politics
POLI_SCI 230-0Introduction to Law in the Political Arena
POLI_SCI 240-0Introduction to International Relations
POLI_SCI 250-0Introduction to Comparative Politics
POLI_SCI 320-0The American Presidency
POLI_SCI 321-0Urban Politics
POLI_SCI 323-0Public Opinion and Voting Behavior
POLI_SCI 324-0Political Parties and Elections
POLI_SCI 325-0Congress and the Legislative Process
POLI_SCI 326-0Race and Public Policy
POLI_SCI 327-0African American Politics
POLI_SCI 328-0Public Policy
POLI_SCI 332-0Constitutional Law I
POLI_SCI 333-0Constitutional Law II: Civil and Political Rights
POLI_SCI 334-0Latino Politics
POLI_SCI 335-0Political Psychology
POLI_SCI 336-0Immigration Politics and Policy
POLI_SCI 337-0Gender and Politics
POLI_SCI 338-0Labor in America
POLI_SCI 340-0International Relations Theory
POLI_SCI 341-0International Political Economy
POLI_SCI 343-0Politics of International Law
POLI_SCI 344-0U.S. Foreign Policy
POLI_SCI 345-0National Security
POLI_SCI 346-0European Union in International Affairs
POLI_SCI 348-0Globalization
POLI_SCI 350-0Social Movements
POLI_SCI 351-0Politics of the Middle East
POLI_SCI 352-0Global Development
POLI_SCI 353-0Politics of Latin America
POLI_SCI 354-0Politics of Southeast Asia
POLI_SCI 355-0Politics of China
POLI_SCI 356-0Constitutional Challenges in Comparative Perspective
POLI_SCI 359-0Politics of Africa
POLI_SCI 361-0Democracy and Autocracy
POLI_SCI 362-0Politics of Europe
POLI_SCI 364-SAFrance: Politics, Culture, & Society
POLI_SCI 374-0Politics of Capitalism
POLI_SCI 376-0Civil Wars
POLI_SCI 377-0Drugs and Politics
POLI_SCI 378-0America and the World
POLI_SCI 382-0Religion, Law, & Politics: Politics of Religious Diversity
POLI_SCI 383-0War and Change in International Politics
POLI_SCI 384-0International Responses to Mass Atrocities
POLI_SCI 388-0Institutions and Society
PSYCH 110-0Introduction to Psychology
PSYCH 213-0Social Psychology
PSYCH 215-0Psychology of Personality
PSYCH 221-0Introduction to Neuroscience
PSYCH 228-0Cognitive Psychology
PSYCH 244-0Developmental Psychology
PSYCH 248-0Health Psychology
PSYCH 303-0Psychopathology
PSYCH 313-0Relationship Science
PSYCH 317-0The Holocaust: Psychological Themes & Perspectives
PSYCH 328-0Brain Damage and the Mind
PSYCH 333-0Psychology of Thinking
PSYCH 340-0Psychology and Law
PSYCH 345-0Presenting Ideas & Data
RELIGION 382-0Religion, Law, & Politics: Politics of Religious Diversity
SOCIOL 110-0Introduction to Sociology
SOCIOL 202-0Social Problems
SOCIOL 206-0Law and Society
SOCIOL 207-0Cities in Society
SOCIOL 208-0Race and Society
SOCIOL 210-0Families and Societies
SOCIOL 211-0Food and Society: An Introduction
SOCIOL 212-0Environment and Society
SOCIOL 215-0Economy and Society
SOCIOL 216-0Gender and Society
SOCIOL 218-0Education and Inequality: Focus on Chicago
SOCIOL 220-0Health, Biomedicine, Culture, and Society
SOCIOL 223-0Masculinities and Society
SOCIOL 227-0Legal Studies Research Methods
SOCIOL 235-0Critical Thought on Race and Ethnicity
SOCIOL 276-0Introductory Topics in Sociology
SOCIOL 288-0Institutions and Society
SOCIOL 302-0Sociology of Organizations
SOCIOL 305-0Population Dynamics
SOCIOL 307-0School and Society
SOCIOL 309-0Political Sociology
SOCIOL 310-0Sociology of the Family
SOCIOL 316-0Economic Sociology
SOCIOL 317-0Global Development
SOCIOL 318-0Sociology of Law
SOCIOL 320-0Gender, Health, and Medicine
SOCIOL 327-0Youth and Society
SOCIOL 343-0Social Networks
SOCIOL 348-0Race, Politics, and the Law
SOCIOL 356-0Sociology of Gender
SOCIOL 376-0Topics in Sociological Analysis
SOCIOL 392-0Seminars