American Studies (AMER_ST)
AMER_ST 301-1 Seminar for Majors (1 Unit) Set of required courses structured to share a broad comparativist or internationally oriented theme, integrating methods and materials from different disciplines. Change of instructor each quarter; change of theme every year. Limited to 20 students.
AMER_ST 301-2 Seminar for Majors (1 Unit) Set of required courses structured to share a broad comparativist or internationally oriented theme, integrating methods and materials from different disciplines. Change of instructor each quarter; change of theme every year. Limited to 20 students.
AMER_ST 301-3 Seminar for Majors (1 Unit) Set of required courses structured to share a broad comparativist or internationally oriented theme, integrating methods and materials from different disciplines. Change of instructor each quarter; change of theme every year. Limited to 20 students.
AMER_ST 310-0 Studies in American Culture (1 Unit) Readings and discussions of topics in American cultural life-for example, law in 20th century America or television news in contemporary US culture. Limited enrollment with emphasis on student participation. Prerequisites vary. May be repeated for credit with consent of program director.
AMER_ST 390-1 Senior Project (1 Unit) Thesis or field study. Required of majors. Advanced Expression
AMER_ST 390-2 Senior Project (1 Unit) Thesis or field study. Required of majors. Advanced Expression