Political Science (POLI_SCI)
POLI_SCI 101-7 College Seminar (1 Unit) Small, writing and discussion-oriented course exploring a specific topic or theme, and introducing skills necessary to thriving at Northwestern. Not eligible to be applied towards a WCAS major or minor except where specifically indicated.
POLI_SCI 101-8 First-Year Writing Seminar (1 Unit) Small, writing and discussion-oriented course exploring a specific topic or theme, and focused on the fundamentals of effective, college-level written communication. Not eligible to be applied towards a WCAS major or minor except where specifically indicated.
POLI_SCI 201-0 Introduction to Political Theory (1 Unit) Examination of texts in political theory. Topics vary but often include justice, the Greek polis, the modern state, individualism, representative democracy. Ethics Values Distro Area Interdisciplinary Distro - See Rules Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
POLI_SCI 210-0 Introduction to Empirical Methods in Political Science (1 Unit) Tools political scientists use. How qualitative, quantitative, and experimental research designs help answer difficult descriptive and causal questions. Empirical and Deductive Reasoning Foundational Dis Formal Studies Distro Area
POLI_SCI 211-0 Introduction to Interpretive Methods in Political Science (1 Unit) Philosophy of inquiry and interpretive research methods for students of political science. Examines diverse schools of thought on research methods and their relevance for research goals. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
POLI_SCI 212-0 Evaluating Evidence (1 Unit) Introduction to evaluation of qualitative and quantitative evidence across science, politics, society, health, education, and industry. POLI_SCI 212-0 and COG_SCI 202-0 are taught together; may not receive credit for both courses. Empirical and Deductive Reasoning Foundational Dis Formal Studies Distro Area Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
POLI_SCI 220-0 American Government and Politics (1 Unit) The structure and process of American politics from competing perspectives. Analysis of representation, voting, interest groups, parties, leadership, and policymaking institutions. The gateway course for the American politics subfield. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
POLI_SCI 230-0 Introduction to Law in the Political Arena (1 Unit) Roles of law in society and politics. Police and prisons, law and social change, courts and politics, legal reasoning, Supreme Court decision making, judicial discretion, legal strategies for making change. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
POLI_SCI 240-0 Introduction to International Relations (1 Unit) Introduction to the major theories, concepts, and problems of contemporary international relations. Security, political economy, and cooperation. Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
POLI_SCI 250-0 Introduction to Comparative Politics (1 Unit) Politics of developing and industrialized countries across the world. Major topics include states and state-making, democracy and dictatorship, conflict and violence, constitutions, civil society, and political economy. Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
POLI_SCI 301-0 Classical Political Theory (1 Unit) Political thought of Greece and Rome in historical context and with attention to contemporary theoretical interest. Ethical and Evaluative Thinking Foundational Disci Ethics Values Distro Area Historical Studies Distro Area Interdisciplinary Distro - See Rules
POLI_SCI 302-0 Subjects, Citizens, Revolutionaries: Early Modern Political Thought (1 Unit) Political philosophers from the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. Topics include sources of power and their impact on justice, equality, and law. No prerequisites, but some knowledge of political theory is desirable. Ethics Values Distro Area Historical Studies Distro Area Interdisciplinary Distro - See Rules
POLI_SCI 303-0 Modernity and Its Discontents (1 Unit) Examination of late 19th and early 20th century social and political thought in the works of writers such as Marx, Weber, Mill, Kafka, Darwin, Nietzsche, Freud, and de Beauvoir. No prerequisites, but some knowledge of political theory is desirable. Ethical and Evaluative Thinking Foundational Disci Ethics Values Distro Area
POLI_SCI 304-0 Human Rights Between East and West (1 Unit) In this course, students consider challenges leveled against the declared universalism of human rights. They assess these challenges from the perspective of two non-western traditions: Islam and Confucianism. Ethical and Evaluative Thinking Foundational Disci Ethics Values Distro Area Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
POLI_SCI 306-0 American Political Thought (1 Unit) Advanced introduction to the development of political thought in the United States from the revolutionaries to the 20th century pragmatists. Historical Studies Distro Area Interdisciplinary Distro - See Rules Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
POLI_SCI 307-0 Deportation Law and Politics (1 Unit)
Analysis of deportation law and politics from colonial America through today. Requires two visits to Chicago immigration courts.
Ethical and Evaluative Thinking Foundational Disci Ethics Values Distro Area U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and EquityPOLI_SCI 308-0 Critical Theory and the Study of Politics (1 Unit) Critical theory examines and contests hegemonic thinking about politics and envisages alternate worlds of political possibility. Note: students cannot receive credit for both POLI_SCI 308-0 (Evanston) and POLI_SCI 308-SA (study abroad).
POLI_SCI 308-SA Critical Theory and the Study of Politics (1 Unit) Critical theory examines and contests hegemonic thinking about politics and envisages alternate worlds of political possibility. This study abroad course is restricted to students in Northwestern's Paris program in critical theory, literature, and media.
POLI_SCI 309-0 Political Theories of the Rule of Law (1 Unit) Key documents and debates in the development of theories of law and jurisprudence. From Aeschylus to contemporary democratic and legal theories and major court cases on topics ranging from torture to Title IX. POLI_SCI 309-0 and LEGAL_ST 309-0 are taught together; may not receive credit for both courses. Ethical and Evaluative Thinking Foundational Disci Ethics Values Distro Area
POLI_SCI 310-0 Methods of Political Inference (1 Unit)
Methods for inferences based on data in political research. Research design and quantitative and qualitative methods of inference. Focuses on descriptive, statistical, and causal inference and the application of different methods to substantive problems.
Formal Studies Distro AreaPOLI_SCI 312-0 Statistical Research Methods (1 Unit) Statistics and data science as applied in political science, including research design, data collection and handling, social scientific communication, and transparency practices. Empirical and Deductive Reasoning Foundational Dis Formal Studies Distro Area
POLI_SCI 320-0 The American Presidency (1 Unit)
Structural foundations and historical development of the American presidency; predominant scholarly theories of presidential power and leadership; contemporary issues and debates.
Prerequisite: POLI_SCI 220-0 or equivalent.
Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational DisciplPOLI_SCI 321-0 Urban Politics (1 Unit) Structure of local and regional political power and its relation to the social and economic structure of community. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
POLI_SCI 323-0 Public Opinion and Voting Behavior (1 Unit)
Who votes and for whom. Social, psychological, economic, and political factors influencing election choices. Sources of opinions. Focus on American presidential elections with some comparative and nonpresidential material.
Prerequisite: POLI_SCI 220-0 or equivalent.
Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational DisciplPOLI_SCI 324-0 Political Parties and Elections (1 Unit)
Role of political parties in a democratic society. Topics include nomination, national conventions, political funding, campaigns, party organization, and national, state, and local parties.
Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational DisciplPOLI_SCI 325-0 Congress and the Legislative Process (1 Unit)
Organization of legislatures to make public policy; impact of constituents and political parties on legislative decision making; polarization; legislative-executive relations. Emphasis on the US Congress and contemporary politics.
Prerequisite: POLI_SCI 220-0 or equivalent.
Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational DisciplPOLI_SCI 326-0 Race and Public Policy (1 Unit) Analysis of how diversity shapes policy in the United States and how policies contribute to racial and ethnic diversity. Immigration reform, school choice, residential segregation, and criminal justice. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
POLI_SCI 327-0 African American Politics (1 Unit)
Survey of black politics in the United States, including blacks' relations with government, whites, political parties, public policy, and electoral politics.
Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and EquityPOLI_SCI 328-0 Public Policy (1 Unit)
The role of government in regulating economic and social behavior; theories of public policy making; sources and effects of public policy.
Social and Behavioral Science Foundational DisciplPOLI_SCI 329-0 U.S. Environmental Politics (1 Unit)
Political problems associated with human impact on natural environment; pollution, natural resources, public lands, land use, energy, and population.
Social Behavioral Sciences Distro AreaPOLI_SCI 331-0 Politics of the Supreme Court (1 Unit)
Operation of appellate courts, with emphasis on the US Supreme Court. Decision making by appellate courts and the development of public policy.
Prerequisite: POLI_SCI 220-0 or POLI_SCI 230-0.
POLI_SCI 332-0 Constitutional Law I (1 Unit)
Introduction to interpretation of the US Constitution by the Supreme Court. Judicial review, federalism, congressional and executive authority, separation of powers. Taught with LEGAL_ST 332-0; may not receive credit for both courses.
Prerequisite: POLI_SCI 220-0 or POLI_SCI 230-0.
Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational DisciplPOLI_SCI 333-0 Constitutional Law II: Civil and Political Rights (1 Unit)
Consideration of US Supreme Court decisions dealing with civil and political rights, including equality, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion. LEGAL_ST 333-0 and POLI_SCI 333-0 are taught together; may not receive credit for both courses.
Prerequisite: POLI_SCI 220-0 or POLI_SCI 230-0.
Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and EquityPOLI_SCI 334-0 Latino Politics (1 Unit) Implications of Latino politics including contemporary social and political developments of Latino communities in the United States from a comparative urban framework. Focus on Mexican and Cuban Americans and Puerto Ricans. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
POLI_SCI 335-0 Political Psychology (1 Unit) Examination of mental processes that underpin political judgments. Origins of political views, influence of parties and news media, decision-making heuristics and biases. Emphasis on ordinary citizens; some attention to elites. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
POLI_SCI 336-0 Immigration Politics and Policy (1 Unit) Introduction to immigration politics in the U.S. with a focus on policies, public opinion, participation, and mobilization. Emphasis on relationships between nativity, citizenship status, legal status, and race/ethnicity. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
POLI_SCI 337-0 Gender and Politics (1 Unit) This class investigates how gender shapes politics and policy and how these in turn shape gender with a focus on the United States in comparative and global context. It analyzes the gendered character of citizenship, political participation and representation, and social and economic rights. It aims to understand gendered politics from both "top down" and "bottom up" perspectives. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
POLI_SCI 338-0 Labor in America (1 Unit) Examines how capitalism, law, politics, public policy, and issues of race, ethnicity, and gender, have interacted to shape workers' rights and capacities to mobilize in collective action since the U.S. founding. Emphasis on employer power, legacies of slavery, labor's orientation toward immigration, rise and fall of unions, declining quality of low-wage work, emergence of new forms of labor organizing. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
POLI_SCI 340-0 International Relations Theory (1 Unit) Conceptual approaches to international relations, including "national interest," sovereignty, international norms and law, and rationality. Prerequisite: POLI_SCI 240-0 or consent of instructor. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
POLI_SCI 341-0 International Political Economy (1 Unit) Introduction to the politics of international economic relations. Roots and evolution of the international political economy. Politics of the international rules, institutions, and ideas governing trade, monetary and financial relations, development, and economic statecraft. Prerequisite: POLI_SCI 240-0 or consent of instructor. Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
POLI_SCI 342-0 International Organizations (1 Unit)
An examination of the politics, law, and history of international organizations from the 20th century to the present. Emphasis on the main inter-governmental organizations including the United Nations, the WTO, the WHO, and international courts. POLI_SCI 342-0 and LEGAL_ST 342-0 are taught together; may not receive credit for both courses.
Prerequisite: POLI_SCI 240-0 or consent of instructor.
Social Behavioral Sciences Distro AreaPOLI_SCI 343-0 Politics of International Law (1 Unit) Non-utopian political science analysis of how law is used to promote collective goals and regulate international relations. Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
POLI_SCI 344-0 U.S. Foreign Policy (1 Unit) How US foreign policy is formulated, executed, and contested. Topics include democracy promotion, nuclear proliferation, foreign aid, the rise of China, US-Russia relations, terrorism, humanitarian intervention, and cyberwarfare. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
POLI_SCI 345-0 National Security (1 Unit)
Basic issues in national security, focusing primarily on the United States. Topics include the nature of "national interest," major actors in national security policy making and military strategy, and the influence and role of the defense establishment.
Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational DisciplPOLI_SCI 346-0 European Union in International Affairs (1 Unit)
Introduction to the institutions and policies of the European Union today.
Historical Studies Distro Area Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational DisciplPOLI_SCI 347-0 Ethics in International Relations (1 Unit)
Role of ethical considerations in international relations: where and when ethical questions are raised and by whom; causes and predictability of tensions between the ethics and self-interests of nations and political figures.
Ethical and Evaluative Thinking Foundational Disci Ethics Values Distro Area Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and EquityPOLI_SCI 348-0 Globalization (1 Unit) Political foundations of global markets for goods and services, production, finance, and workers. Implications of market globalization for national politics, institutions, and societies in Global Northern and Southern contexts. Prerequisite: POLI_SCI 240-0 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
POLI_SCI 349-0 International Environmental Politics (1 Unit) International cooperation and conflict resolution of global and transnational environmental problems such as climate change. Role of political, economic, and normative considerations in the formation of politically feasible solutions to international environmental problems.
POLI_SCI 350-0 Social Movements (1 Unit) Theory and case studies examining the processes shaping collective challenges to authority. Topics include causes and mechanics of mobilization, the contexts in which movements emerge, repression and violence, strategies, and determinants of movement outcomes. Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
POLI_SCI 351-0 Politics of the Middle East (1 Unit) Survey of politics and political history of the Middle East and North Africa from World War I to the present. Topics include state building, authoritarianism, political economy, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the causes, trajectories, and aftermath of the 2011 Arab uprisings. Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
POLI_SCI 352-0 Global Development (1 Unit) Exploration of the economic and social changes constituting development, focusing on comparison between the historical experience in Europe and more recent processes in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. SOCIOL 317-0 and POLI_SCI 352-0 are taught together; may not receive credit for both courses. Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
POLI_SCI 353-0 Politics of Latin America (1 Unit)
Patterns of socioeconomic development and regime forms in Latin America. Interaction of internal and international economic and political structures and processes.
Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational DisciplPOLI_SCI 354-0 Politics of Southeast Asia (1 Unit)
Political economy of selected Southeast Asian countries, 1945 to present. Important themes include oligarchy and human rights.
Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational DisciplPOLI_SCI 355-0 Politics of China (1 Unit)
This course offers an overview of modern China’s politics and society. It is divided into three parts. The first part surveys Chinese history from the fall of the Qing dynasty to the end of Mao’s era. The second part delves into China’s economic reform and its distinct political system that combines high-growth capitalism with single-party rule. The third part focuses on several challenges confronting China and the world as a whole today, including climate change, populism, inequality, nationalism, and technological change. The course equips students with knowledge of China’s political landscape as well as key concepts and theories in political science, such as revolution, democracy, and political legitimacy. The geopolitical unit known as China today will be understood through historical, comparative, and global perspectives.
Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational DisciplPOLI_SCI 356-0 Constitutional Challenges in Comparative Perspective (1 Unit) Constitutional controversies and resolutions in liberal democracies. Constitutional traditions and governance, rule of law, legitimacy and authority in diverse societies, human rights, social transformation. POLI_SCI 356-0 and LEGAL_ST 356-0 are taught together; may not receive credit for both courses. Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
POLI_SCI 358-SA Contemporary South Africa: A Political Economy/Policy Perspective (1 Unit) Analysis of the political outcomes of South Africa's transition to democracy, democratic consolidation, the state of the South African political economy, and major policy issues, such as gender equality and HIV/AIDS. Restricted to students in Northwestern's South Africa program. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
POLI_SCI 359-0 Politics of Africa (1 Unit)
Political structures and behaviour ; power relatoon ; political regimes ; development of modern political systems.
Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational DisciplPOLI_SCI 361-0 Democracy and Autocracy (1 Unit)
Theories of the emergence and breakdown of democracy as well as of tensions between democratic and autocratic governance in contemporary democratic regimes. Comparisons of case studies in developed and developing countries.
Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational DisciplPOLI_SCI 362-0 Politics of Europe (1 Unit)
Political development of Europe from the Peace of Westphalia to the European Union. Focus on states and state-making, regime types, economic development, and nationalism.
Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational DisciplPOLI_SCI 363-SA The Political Economy of the European Union (1 Unit) The political production, structure, and regulation of economic activity in the EU. Restricted to students in Northwestern's Paris program.
POLI_SCI 364-SA France: Politics, Culture, & Society (1 Unit) Introduction to French politics in the framework of European integration. Covers French efforts to promote integration and France's role in the international system and adaptation to the EU. Restricted to students in Northwestern's Paris program. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
POLI_SCI 365-SA Decision Making in the European Union (1 Unit) Analysis, by lecture and simulation, of the EU's complicated institutional structure for political decision making. Restricted to students in Northwestern's Paris program.
POLI_SCI 366-SA The Dynamics of Law Making in the European Union (1 Unit) Examination of the dynamics of law making in the EU and conflict/balance between domestic and regional law. Restricted to students in Northwestern's Paris program.
POLI_SCI 368-0 Political Economy of Development (1 Unit) Major analytical perspectives of modern political economy seen through concrete problems of development and underdevelopment in the least developed countries. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
POLI_SCI 369-0 Politics of Post-Soviet Russia (1 Unit) Analysis of Russia's political and economic revolutions after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Examines key concepts in comparative politics, such as revolution, regime change, market formation, nationalism, and state building. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
POLI_SCI 373-0 Chinese Foreign Policy (1 Unit) Basic dynamics of Chinese foreign policy toward a variety of countries and regions. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
POLI_SCI 374-0 Politics of Capitalism (1 Unit) Effects of politics on the economy and vice versa, especially in advanced industrial economies. The welfare state, varieties of capitalism, and neoliberalism. Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
POLI_SCI 376-0 Civil Wars (1 Unit) Focus on post-Cold War increase in civil wars, including causes and consequences of internal wars, and theories of conflict. Examines recent and contemporary civil wars to illustrate applications of theories and better understand current events. Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
POLI_SCI 377-0 Drugs and Politics (1 Unit) This course studies the links between illegal drugs and politics. From the politics of local communities to international public policy, the production, distribution, and consumption of illicit drugs affect individual behavior, local and national institutions, markets, and international relations. The course focuses on North, Central, and South America. Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
POLI_SCI 378-0 America and the World (1 Unit) Key debates and developments in the history and politics of American foreign relations. Domestic politics and foreign policy, political culture, interventionism, legal globalization, international institutions. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
POLI_SCI 379-SA China in Transition: Ideology, Political Economy, Law, and Relations with the US (1 Unit) Broad issues confronting China in its long, tumultuous transition. For students with no background as well as those with extensive prior knowledge of China. Restricted to students in Northwestern's program in China. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
POLI_SCI 381-SA Political Economy of Contemporary China (1 Unit) State capitalism, the role of state-owned enterprises in China's economic development, China as a regulatory state, social consequences, financial reforms. Restricted to students in Northwestern's program in China. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
POLI_SCI 382-0 Religion, Law, & Politics: Politics of Religious Diversity (1 Unit) This course teaches students to think critically, comparatively, and globally about the intersections of religion, law, and politics. It considers how religious, legal, and political traditions intersect and interact in modern states and societies. The course is organized around a set of legal cases and supporting materials in the Teaching Law and Religion Case Study Archive. RELIGION 382-0 taught with POLI_SCI 382-0; may not receive credit for both. Ethical and Evaluative Thinking Foundational Disci Ethics Values Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
POLI_SCI 383-0 War and Change in International Politics (1 Unit) Historical and contemporary forms of international order. Western and non-Eurocentric systems; how international order emerges; whether the post-1945 order will change. Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
POLI_SCI 384-0 International Responses to Mass Atrocities (1 Unit) How the international community can respond to mass atrocities and human rights violations. Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
POLI_SCI 388-0 Institutions and Society (1 Unit) Institutions in a broad societal context. How institutional frameworks apply to government, family, education, and the environment; implications of institutions. POLI_SCI 388-0 and SOCIOL 288-0 are taught together; may not receive credit for both courses. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
POLI_SCI 389-0 Understanding Genocide (1 Unit) Key debates in the comparative study of genocide. Why genocide occurs, why people become killers, how these processes relate to each other. POLI_SCI 389-0 and SOCIOL 379-0 are taught together; may not receive credit for both courses. Social Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
POLI_SCI 390-0 Special Topics in Political Science (1 Unit)
Designed for investigation of topics of interest to students and faculty that are not covered by other course offerings. May be repeated for credit with change of topic.
POLI_SCI 394-LK Professional Linkage Seminar (1 Unit)
POLI_SCI 395-0 Political Research Seminar (1 Unit) Required of all political science majors; ordinarily taken during junior or senior year. Advanced Expression
POLI_SCI 398-1 Senior Thesis Seminar (1 Unit) Two consecutive quarters (fall and winter) during which students work on their senior theses. Prerequisite: POLI_SCI 395-0 and admission to the honors program. Advanced Expression
POLI_SCI 398-2 Senior Thesis Seminar (1 Unit) Two consecutive quarters (fall and winter) during which students work on their senior theses. Prerequisite: POLI_SCI 395-0 and admission to the honors program. Advanced Expression
POLI_SCI 399-0 Independent Study (1 Unit) Study and research projects carried out under faculty supervision. A written proposal, signed by the professor with whom the student will study, should be submitted to the director of undergraduate studies. Consent of department required.