Art History (ART_HIST)
ART_HIST 320-2 Medieval Art: Early Medieval (1 Unit)
Art and architecture of the Europe from late antiquity to the twelfth century.
Literature Fine Arts Distro AreaART_HIST 329-0 Special Topics in Medieval Art (1 Unit)
Content varies depending on the expertise of the instructor and may engage with exhibitions and museums in Chicago and beyond. Past topics have included the early Christian church; history of illuminated manuscripts; pilgrimage and saints' cults; the cathedral; Spain; art and crusade.
Historical Studies Distro Area Historical Studies Foundational Discipline Literature Fine Arts Distro Area Literature and Arts Foundational DisciplineART_HIST 330-1 Early Modern European Art 1400–1500 (1 Unit)
Painting, sculpture, architecture, and the graphic arts in Europe from 1400–1500.
Historical Studies Distro Area Historical Studies Foundational Discipline Literature Fine Arts Distro Area Literature and Arts Foundational DisciplineART_HIST 330-2 Early Modern European Art 1500–1600 (1 Unit)
Painting, sculpture, architecture, and the graphic arts in Europe from 1500–1600.
Literature Fine Arts Distro AreaART_HIST 339-0 Special Topics in Early Modern Art (1 Unit)
Content varies depending on the expertise of the instructor and may engage with exhibitions and museums in Chicago and beyond. Past topics have included cartography, colonial Mexico, and European court cultures.
ART_HIST 349-0 Special Topics in 17th & 18th-Century Art (1 Unit)
Content varies depending on the expertise of the instructor and may engage with exhibitions and museums in Chicago and beyond. Past topics have included the art of Diego Velázquez, marble sculpture, and the transatlantic Dutch world.
Historical Studies Distro Area Historical Studies Foundational Discipline Literature Fine Arts Distro Area Literature and Arts Foundational DisciplineART_HIST 350-1 19th-Century Art 1: 1789–1848 (1 Unit)
Survey of European painting, sculpture, photography, and/or architecture from 1789 to 1848.
Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity Historical Studies Distro Area Historical Studies Foundational Discipline Literature Fine Arts Distro Area Literature and Arts Foundational DisciplineART_HIST 350-2 19th-Century Art 2: 1848–1914 (1 Unit)
Survey of European painting, sculpture, photography, and/or architecture from 1848 to 1914.
Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity Historical Studies Distro Area Historical Studies Foundational Discipline Literature Fine Arts Distro Area Literature and Arts Foundational DisciplineART_HIST 359-0 Special Topics in 19th-Century Art (1 Unit)
Content varies depending on the expertise of the instructor and may engage with exhibitions and museums in Chicago and beyond. Past topics have included European colonialism in Egypt, Haussmann's Paris, and Mary Cassatt.
Historical Studies Distro Area Historical Studies Foundational Discipline Literature Fine Arts Distro Area Literature and Arts Foundational DisciplineART_HIST 367-0 Special Topics in Art of the Americas (1 Unit)
Content varies depending on the expertise of the instructor and may engage with exhibitions and museums in Chicago and beyond. Past topics have included nationalism and internationalism in US art; the myth of the US; the artist in society; elite and popular visual traditions.
ART_HIST 369-0 Special Topics in Contemporary Art (1 Unit)
Content varies and may coincide with local exhibitions- for example, art and activism; utopia and dystopia in recent practice; participatory art; video art; art criticism; globalization; visual cultural studies; photography in/as art; installation art; truth and fiction in recent practice.
ART_HIST 370-1 Architecture & Landscapes, 1750–1890 (1 Unit)
The history and theory of architecture, especially in relation to cities and landscape, from 1750 to 1890.
Literature Fine Arts Distro AreaART_HIST 370-2 Architecture & Landscapes, 1890 to Present (1 Unit)
The history and theory of architecture, especially in relation to cities and landscape, after 1890.
Literature Fine Arts Distro AreaART_HIST 378-0 The Global City (1 Unit)
A critical examination of the city as a socioeconomic system; period and regions of focus vary.
Historical Studies Distro Area Historical Studies Foundational Discipline Literature Fine Arts Distro Area Literature and Arts Foundational DisciplineART_HIST 379-0 Special Topics in Architectural History (1 Unit)
Content varies depending on the expertise of the instructor and may engage with exhibitions and museums in Chicago and beyond. Past topics have included the Burnham plan of Chicago, World's Fairs, and architectural exchanges in the Global South.
ART_HIST 384-0 African American Art (1 Unit)
Art of the African-descended cultures of North and South America, the Caribbean, or the wider globe.
Literature Fine Arts Distro AreaART_HIST 389-0 Special Topics: Arts of Asia and the Middle East (1 Unit)
Content varies-for example, aspects of painting in the Indian subcontinent: Mughal and Rajput; issues of gender and sexuality in Japan and China from the 18th through 20th century; art in/about the Middle East.
ART_HIST 401-1 Methods and Historiography of Art History (1 Unit)
Investigation of philosophical or methodological approaches of current interest in art history. Required introduction to approaches in the discipline of art history; for students in the fall quarter of the first year.
ART_HIST 403-0 Objects and Material Seminar (1 Unit)
Material-based, close engagement with art objects in Chicago collections and the methods such activity requires.
ART_HIST 405-0 Art Historical Research (1 Unit)
On-site summer course required of first year students and open to others across the Humanities. Introduces students to various tools necessary to conduct on-site research through focused study in sites relevant to faculty expertise, for example, e.g., Paris, London, Shanghai, Kingston, Moscow, Madrid, Cape Town, Beirut, etc.
ART_HIST 406-0 Dissertation Prospectus (1 Unit)
Required of (and limited to) students in the spring quarter of the 3rd year. Walks the student through the mechanics of a dissertation proposal and designing a dissertation.
ART_HIST 410-0 Studies in Ancient Art (1 Unit)
Content varies. Recent offerings include aniconism; ornament; and the reception of antiquity.
ART_HIST 420-0 Studies in Medieval Art (1 Unit)
Content varies. Recent offerings include the global turn; cultural exchange in Medieval Europe; and the patron's part.
ART_HIST 430-0 Studies in Early Modern Art (1 Unit)
Content varies. Recent offerings include art & technology; maps and the early modern translatlantic world; Aby Warburg/Atlas; thinking with stones in early modern Europe (at the Newberry Library).
ART_HIST 440-0 Studies in 17th & 18th-Century Art (1 Unit)
Content varies. Recent offerings include print revolutions; architecture and space in the Spanish Habsburg world; and art and science.
ART_HIST 450-0 Studies in 19th-Century Art (1 Unit)
Content varies. Recent offerings include world's fairs; William Morris: Art, Design, Politics, Ecology; William Blake and abolitionism; and art and technology.
ART_HIST 460-0 Studies in 20th & 21st-Century Art (1 Unit)
Content varies. Recent offerings include Picasso; shadow histories of photography; futures we will have loved; appropriation; aesthetics of socialist realism; black ontologies; speculation and the speculative; the Russian avant-garde, and art of the global 1960s.
ART_HIST 470-0 Studies in History of Architecture (1 Unit)
Content varies. Recent offerings include Louis Sullivan and Chicago architecture, architecture in America (1890-1930), the World City c. 1900, and French architecture (1830-1870).
ART_HIST 480-0 Studies in Asian Art (1 Unit)
Content varies. Offerings include: the role of sketching in the Chinese artists' practice, collecting Asian art under colonialism, Buddhist painting, and gender issues in East Asian prints.
ART_HIST 496-0 Internship in the Arts (1 Unit)
Direct participation in the regular activities of an established arts organization in the Evanston/Chicago area under the supervision of a faculty member. By petition to instructor, on a limited basis.
ART_HIST 498-0 Graduate Tutorial (1 Unit)
Supervised studies in the history of art. Content and course requirements vary. Pass/no-credit permitted at the discretion of the graduate advisor.
ART_HIST 499-0 Independent Study (1 Unit)
Permission of instructor and department required. May be repeated for credit.
ART_HIST 590-0 Research (1-3 Units)
Independent investigation of selected problems pertaining to thesis or dissertation. May be repeated for credit.